
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Max Studio Dress

Brown velvet jacket with brooch, FANG. Brown and beige, empire-waist dress, Max Studio. Brown boots, Nine West.

I’ve heard that “the dress” is making a comeback. Thank goodness! I love dresses. I went dress shopping this summer and found the selection dismal. This was one of the few I found (at TJ Maxx!)

I recently learned another trick for posing for these photographs. You may have already notice that I’m almost always standing in a modified ballet fourth position, either croise or ecarte. The positions in ballet are designed to lengthen the line of the body. Long lines make for slimming photos. Until now, though, I’ve forgotten to lengthen my hands. When my hands are relaxed, my fingers half curl up, as you can see in all of the previous photos. Today, after looking at this photo in the What Are You Wearing Today flickr group, I realized how much longer my arms would look if I extended my fingers and voila!

I wore this dress on October 11, with my black shrug. I think it looks much better with this jacket instead. Or maybe it’s just the ballet fingers.

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