
Monday, April 09, 2007


Pink sequined sweater, Moda International. Black lace shirt, Newport News. Hot pink tank and gray flannel pants, Express. Ugly black boots, LifeStrides.

After spending the long weekend in my grubbies painting, sewing, and rehearsing, I was ready for a more upscale look today. I also needed to appear my best for an audition as a hostess. I wanted to look sexy, but comfortable. I think I’ve achieved my goal. In fact, I’ve never had an easier walk from my car to my building. These boots may be ugly, but they were made for walking.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute outfit. This is very much Londyn's style with the colored and layered tops. Actually you & Londyn have similar but fabulous styles, Kasmira. =)


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