
Monday, July 30, 2007


Tiered pink cami, My Michelle (borrowed from Fashion Lady). Pleated skirt, George ME. White cardigan, Express. Beige slingbacks, Linea Paolo. Cameo choker, vintage.

This isn’t exactly a fashion disaster, but it’s a bit of a misstep. The colors are spot on, but the shape is not. The tiers in the cami and the pleats in the skirt (which is a size too large anyway) give me too much volume. I would have been better off with choosing either the cami or the skirt and pairing it with something slim.


  1. I agree, the shapes don't quite fit, but at least the individual items are really cute! I am putting that skirt on my list for next item to swap from you :)

  2. maybe a fitted blazer over the tank would've pulled it together...?


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