
Monday, August 27, 2007


Pink, sequined cardigan, Moda International. Green cami, New York and Company. Printed skirt, George ME. Green pumps, Colin Stuart. Cameo choker, vintage. Golden paillette necklace, Body Central. Orange, fluffy cat, Monty.

Unless my outfits are uncomfortable or overly revealing, I’m usually not self-conscious about what I wear. Looking at this picture though, my eyes are bleeding a little from the bright colors and I think maybe I SHOULD feel out of place among my conservatively dressed officemates. But I really don’t care.

My kitties have been quite insistent on being in my photos lately. This is Monty. We brought him home from the pound on April 21st, eight days after Mr. Tibbs died. He was supposed to take my mind off my grief. That didn’t work, but he’s made a new place for himself in my heart. After 4 months with us, he’s really started to fit in: he jumps onto my chest at night (wanting pats), follows me around in the morning, and sleeps in my laundry.


  1. Anonymous10:37 AM

    AW! I'm a fellow cat lover myself, and I'm so so sorry for your loss! Tibbs was beautiful. My cousin's cat was hit by a car, and it was horrible. Is that how Tibbs passed? He was so young! I'm sorry. Last March, my childhood cat passed at 11 years old from lymphoma and I thought that was way too young, and it was still very hard. Last winter, my husband and I rescued a tabby cat and a grey cat who are bro and sister, Boss and PJ. We love them so much! I'm glad you love Monty too; he's so cute, I want to squeeze him!

    P.S. I found your blog from Cin Weekly's feature, and I love it! You're great at updating which I suck at keeping mine up-to-date! (for fam and friends) and you're brave for putting yourself out there! I love it! You inspire me!

  2. Hi, Jill. Thanks for stopping by. Mr. Tibbs died mysteriously. Dead in our living room without a mark on him and no obvious injuries other than a little bleeding from the mouth. It was really horrible, but it gets easier to deal with every day.

    Monty is very like Mr. Tibbs. Maybe there are some personality traits associated with the fluffy cat gene. :)

  3. Love the outfit. I bet your conservatively dressed office mates are wishing they had your style!

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I'm sure your colorful outfits are like a breath of fresh air in your conservative office. Love the skirt! Cute kitty too!

  5. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Your skirt is beautiful. And the cardi and pumps are so great--you look so sophisticated. It's nice to see a sophisticated look that's also colorful. I keep getting inspiration from your blog!

  6. Another outfit that is beautiful! But, look behind you, it is the green wall that makes you "too" colorful. Esp at work, with normal 'white' walls and don't get me started on fluorescent lighting, you would look smashing!

  7. Love, love, love the color!

  8. You seriously need medication. This is not an outfit. This is an insult to the freaking world. How could you! After the previous photos, I thought there was hope. Then, you go and do THIS. What the hell were you thinking. If you were my friend, I'd have to b----slap you, and I'd expect you to do the same for me, should I need it. Damnit! You look HOMELESS and going to an AA meeting. Whatthehell!!!!Ahhhhh.

  9. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I agree with Cathy. What is the matter with all you rejects who think this looks good???? This outfit is a disgrace to anything fashionable. You have NO fashion sense! When your outfits look good (which is rare), it is sheer luck. You have NOTHING to do with it. Just pathetic.

  10. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I love how fun this outfit is! I recently found your website and have been flipping through the archives. I have a similar cardigan from Moda International that I love, and yours works very well here. Love the cameo...nice touch!

  11. Anonymous3:52 PM



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