
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Famous Dress

What’s a bored girl to do, all alone on a Friday night, after drinking two glasses of Vendage a Trois? Twirl, twirl, twirl (and document with photos).

Denim jacket, brown cami, and printed dress, Forever 21. Moth medallion necklace, Anthropologie. Embellished flip-flops, American Eagle.

Perhaps it means I’m a total dork, but I get really excited when I see an item of clothing I own featured in a magazine spread or a movie. Like when I was watching Season I of Heroes last week and (in the episode where she meets her mother) Claire was wearing my Takeout sweater! I had to pause the DVD, run up stairs, and wear the cardigan for the rest of the night, despite the fact that the house was near 80 degrees. I was similarly thrilled when this dress was pictures in a NY Times article about inexpensive dresses. However, I wouldn’t dare wear mine without a cami underneath!

(Picture from the NY Times article - just in case you couldn't access the page.)


  1. You must know you've got good taste girl!

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Okay, this is probably not the same, but i have a pink striped Banana Republic (from now on known as BRep) shirt that i've always loved, but when i saw the mom on Malcolm in the middle wear the shirt in not one but TWO episodes, i knew it was a shirt destined for greatness.

  3. I get excited about that too! You look fab by the way.

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I totally get that!!! relatively inexpensive items I own have been seen in Lucky magazine, Will & Grace, and recommended by the great Stacy London on What Not To Wear!!! I was so thrilled I saved that episode and constantly show it to friends whenever I feel the need to brag... hee hee

  5. This was funny, but I totally understand! The dress looks great, and your combination is cool.

  6. Yes, you are a dork. But a likeable dork!

  7. Hey! My sister has that dress! (And I've worn it before!)
    I'm just as excited seeing something I have on YOUR site. :)

  8. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I have a few things I've seen on TV/Magazines, but the big one was a blouse from BR that Hally wore on One Tree Hill- I got so excited!


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