
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

On Trial: Striped Shirt

Sheer black tank, Mossimo. Striped shirt, Forever 21. Black slacks, Nine & Co. Black pumps, Michelle D.

The second item from my wardrobe on trial is this striped shirt from Forever 21. What I love about it: the colors. The stripes are pink, burgundy, khaki, chocolate, cream, and black. What I don’t like about it: the colors, fabric, the length. I know I just said that I love the colors, but at the same time, I hate them. While I like the individual shades, the overall effect is sort of muddy. I feel like this shirt is always dirty looking. The fabric doesn’t help. The sheer, wrinkle-prone material looks as if I scrounged the shirt from under the bed, even when it’s freshly washed and ironed. I might be able to forgive these faults if it also weren’t so short; I can barely tuck it in. (You can see the shirt untucked here).

So why have I kept it? Nostalgia, I suppose. It was the first thing I ever purchased from Forever 21. I first visited the chain at the Pearl Ridge Center in Honolulu. I was in Hawaii to inspect the Classified Materials Control Center for one of our units and managed to take a few days of leave in conjunction with the trip. My mom and sisters flew out from Washington State to see me. We didn’t spend ALL our time in malls (although, after being shopping deprived in Okinawa, malls held incredible allure for me), but I did manage to begin an on-again, off-again affair with Forever 21.

What should I do with the striped shirt?
Keep it
Swap it
Alter it
Give it to charity
Other - I'll tell you in the comments free polls


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Already voted, but I say "keep it" because shirts under sleeveless dresses seem to be coming into style, and that would negate the too-short issue.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    On it's own I don't love it, but under that sheer top, it's super adorable. Plus, like jnett said long sleeves under sleeveless dresses.

    I have this dress in black, and that would be super cute with that top, and you would only have to iron the collar, cuffs and sleeves!~

    <3 erindish

  3. If you are unhappy and self-conscious every time you wear it then you should get rid of it. But if you can stand to keep it, do. Not everything in your wardrobe can be a star-of-the-show, and that shirt seems like a nice backdrop for some other item of clothing. I think you can treat the shirt like a "neutral" item.

    Plus, it looked really cute under the wrap sweater.

  4. I love how it looks when you use it to layer. If you don't think you'll wear it again it should go to swap or charity

  5. The Target jumper is super cute! And only $20. Hmmmm...maybe I'll keep it just to wear under the jumper.

  6. I think it looks nice from the photo, but it sounds like you almost hate it! I would put it away for a while for its sentimental value, and perhaps then in a year or two you'll decide to completely chuck it/give it to charity.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    My 2 cents--I voted to give to charity. I like the shape and the fabric, but the colors do look muddy, which just doesn't seem right for you, Miss Light and Bright. Kisabel

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Can I just say how much I love this poll idea? It would be so much easier to decide to toss or keep stuff when you've got savvy folks offering their opinions.

  9. Thanks for all of your comments! I'm putting it up for swap!


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