
Monday, October 08, 2007

First Blogoversary

Green cardigan, Moda International. White lace blouse, Newport News. Green tweedy skirt, Talbot’s. Khaki slingbacks, Linea Paolo. Silver-tone watch, Gucci.

It’s my blogoversary! It was (roughly) one year ago that I began this photo-documentation project. I’ve joked that in year two I will simply repeat the outfits from year one. However, I only plan on repeating this outfit, “Limey,” on my anniversary date.

One year later, I think I’ve become both a more adventurous and careful dresser. I feel compelled to come up with something unique and interesting every day. When you know 500 people each day will be checking you out, you tend to take a bit more care choosing your clothing.

I’ve learned a few photography tricks as well. I’ve figured out the best lighting, camera settings, and backgrounds to bring out the details and colors of my clothing. I’m careful to not cut off my feet – not only are people interested in seeing shoes, feet make you look taller and slimmer. I’ve also experimented with flattering poses (like “the slink,” shown here) and facial expressions. I have to laugh at some of the early photos, where I look so very uncomfortable.

Finally, it’s been fun to look through my archives to see how I change. My tan fades, my weight fluctuates, and my hair color and length varies. Thankfully, the camera flash erases most of the new wrinkles and the resolution isn’t fine enough for you to pick out the gray hairs.

Happy anniversary!

Limey – Year One and Two


  1. Great outfit and post!

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    you look great - a year younger, not older!

  3. Congratulations! Thanks for a year of sharing.

  4. You look so lovely! Happy anniversary. I have only known your blog for a month or so - and hope you will maintain it for many years to come. Thank you for sharing your style with us.

  5. I really like this outfit. Perhaps it is the subtle greens with the red hair...

  6. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Thanks for the year of fashionable postings!

    I have found great inspirations for my wardrobe thru this blog... Happy anniversary !


  7. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for inspiring me and for forcing me into creating a fashion blog of my own!

  8. Happy Blogoversary! How do you get 500 readers per day?! I'm in awe. I only get 62! You look great, even better this year than last. Keep it up, I love to check out your outfits each day.

  9. Thanks for all of your kind comments!

    Shoegal - my traffic breaks down at 44.52% referring sites, 41.59% direct traffic (people that have bookmarked my blog), and 13.89% search engines. I've found that when I link to other sites, the owners usually link back to me. Most of my referring traffic comes from Daddy Likey. Her blog is hilarious, and I guess I ride on her coattails a bit.

  10. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Happy Anniversary! I love visiting every day and appreciate the thought you put into both outfits and blog.

    I like the way you put together classic and very now--like this Talbot's skirt with the untucked lace blouse beneath the fitted green sweater.


  11. Shoegal - I forgot to mention that the blog was also profiled in our local paper. That definitely helped my readership numbers.

  12. Your blog has been a great inspiration for me as I embark on my own blogging journey. I would love if you and others took a peek :)

    Can't wait to see what's in store for the next year!

  13. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Happy Anniversary! Here's to another year of fabulous outfits.

  14. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I love your sense of style!
    Cheryl Marie Cordeiro

  15. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Just a comment on the before/after pic.

    Year 1: Sexy conservative 1950's
    Year2: Funky fresh mod 1960's

    Little bit country, little bit rock & roll.



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