
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Lengthening a Short Torso

Greenish sweater and striped tank, Mossimo. Denim mini, American Standard Tyte (thrifted). Flip-flops, American Eagle. Jeweled belt (worn as necklace). “K” pendant, gifted.

Gina asked about my weekend/casual style. My uniform for the past few weeks has consisted of long, lean, layered tops over a mini or jeans. I have a short torso and I like the way the lengthy tops elongate my upper half. A dangling scarf or long necklace further emphasizes the long lines. I will say that getting this look right requires a good fit of your jeans or skirt. If your bottoms are too large in the waist or hips, you’ll create excess bulk. If it is too small, your muffin top will be clearly visible through the fitted shirt(s). I don’t think you have to be thin to wear this silhouette, but your clothes must fit the body you have!


  1. Yes, ma'am, and what a body you have!! I wore a short skirt like that in 19**. Enjoy your time!

  2. I like this look, but I have to ask -- Can you sit down in that skirt??? I have 2 similar skirts and I just find them so uncomfortable whenever I try to sit down or get out of a car, etc. that I just don't bother wearing them much any more. . . any tips?

    I have thought about wearing tights with the minis, but that kinda defeats the purpose of wearing something short during hot summer days.

  3. I'm not sure if your asking if it's possible for me to sit down or if it's decent.

    It is possible. The skirt isn't too tight to sit in.

    It is probably a bit indecent, which is why I don't wear it to rehearsal anymore (and I wouldn't wear it on a plane!). It is fine for sitting in the car (alone or with my hubby), sitting on the couch at home (who cares if the cats see my underwear?), or sitting in a restaurant booth. When I get out of the car in a short skirt, I have sort of a rolling, twisting exit mastered so that I keep covered. I think it's rather graceful. :)

    I do try to wear dark, boyshort underwear with my short skirts. A flash of black underwear isn't nearly as obvious as white and the boyshorts make me feel less nekkid.

  4. Love the kitty in the background.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Skirts like that ARE really hard to sit down in... I just bought a really fabulous full mini that sits a little higher on the hips from shop that I find strikes a balance between the short shirt and modesty!


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