
Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Green corduroy jacket, Tommy Hilfiger (thrifted). Chenille beret, vintage. Black scarf, costume piece from Fiddler on the Roof. Black, long-sleeved tee, striped tank, and denim, Mossimo. Pleather cowboy boots, Playhouse. Black bag, George.

I didn’t need another corduroy jacket (I already had three) nor another in green (one is enough), but I couldn’t resist this jacket when I found it at Valley Thrift. It’s a little loose, but that just allows for more layering possibilities this fall. I’m afraid you’ll be seeing a lot of it, and this beret.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Great are so creative!

    Love your blog by the way..I've been lurking for a bit, but I just had to comment on this look. You must have a huge closet!

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    hmmm...of course, it's entirely up to you, but to me the beret looks like granny's old, ratty couch fabric.

  3. Love this look! The post title is very appropriate. I can almost see you walking the streets of Paris (and I mean that in a good way, not a hooker kind of way - lol).

  4. I LOVE this look. The bright green, skinny jeans, and cowgirl boots are adorable!

  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I have to agree with lisalisa. Maybe you should put the beret on trial. While your at it, put those pink Newport News spider bead pearls on trial too. Other than those two items, i LOVE your blog! It's awesome, and I've even shared it with my coworkers.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I just happened onto your website. This is so cool. Even better than the guy who has a site that tells what he eats for lunch every day.

  7. LOL. I haven't seen this much controversy over something I've worn since I asked what y'all thought of the hospital dress.

    And I'm not sure whether or not to be flattered that this site is better than one documenting someone's daily lunches. :) For the record, I had corn chowder with hot sauce and oyster crackers today.

  8. Anonymous8:00 PM

    hideous beret

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    those aren't skinny jeans, ok though.

  10. I LOVE this outfit - I just found your blog and have been scanning through. Usually I think your style is a bit matchy-matchy/contrived for my taste, but this one looks accidentally put-together, which is the very best type of put together, IMHO!

  11. Anonymous10:48 PM

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the beret! I think you look terrific. Don't listen to anyone else on that one. You have great taste.



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