
Monday, November 12, 2007

Man Tie

Red oxford body suit, Moda International. Red/green/blue tie, Steinberg’s Clothing Inc, Norwood, OH (vintage). Gray tulip skirt, Moda International. Nude fishnet tights, Simply Vera. Yellow pumps, Victoria Spenser. Metal and enamel earrings and brass bracelet, World Market.

I love ties. I could spend hours browsing through them in the men’s department. I love the colors, patterns, textures. I choose odd colored ties, pair them with even odder colored shirts, and force Mike to wear them. Still, despite the vicarious pleasure of dressing my husband, I’m envious of his ties.

I found this tie at Hollywood Vintage, in Northside. I was attracted to the colors and woven texture. Mike found that it was too short for him, but it’s the perfect length for my scrawny neck and short torso. Now I need no longer be envious!

I feel very serious in a tie.

P.S. I have a full business calendar this week, so posting may be behind schedule.


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I don't know ... I have never like the idea of a woman wearing a man's tie ... why would you want to 'look like a man' ... for the same reason I don't like seeing a man wearing a skirt [or for that matter hoop earings!]. It looks like you are trying to fit into a 'man's world', which simply diminshes your equality as a woman.

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I think the tie and the yellow pumps together are both too "out there." Choose one or the other. I would vote to go for a more neutral shoe to balance out the shock value of a woman in a tie, since you seem to like that aspect of the outfit best.

  3. Well I think you look fab! I bought a "girl's" tie this year but I've yet to wear it. You may just be the inspiration I needed!

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I think a woman "can" wear a tie ... she just has to style it correctly ...leave the tie a little loose, don't button the top couple button on the shirt, and show some skin. If you pair this with low-waisted trousers with flared legs and stiletto-heeled shoes, you’ll be even sexier and more feminine. It's all about how you style the look. If you wear it in a masculine way [tight knot - no skin visable near your face] you’re bound to look like a man.

    Another way to wear a tie is to pair it with a tank top [think Avril Levigne] ... again it shows some skin near the face making it very feminine and sexy.

  5. There's no possible way you can look manly. Please! I love the tie. It's very tongue-in-chic, IMO.

  6. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Lovin' the tie- rock it, girl! I was inspired to buy a tie myself after watching a "Friends" re-run where Rachel wears a black tie underneath a white, off shoulder peasant top. Now I need to find the right top to complete the look...

  7. Anonymous2:29 PM

    ... I think chic-chic is saying the same thing ... a tie with a pleasant top would definately show more skin ... and would be a femine look ... a lot of people in the work place are really put back by a woman trying to look like a man ... clothes DO make a diffence ... don't loose your feminity

  8. Anonymous10:58 AM

    i think women can wear ties, women can wear whatever they want, ignore that first comment they are probally just jealous, i think you look great in a tie, how about you wear the tie and i wear the skirt and heels??

    best wishes

  9. Anonymous2:15 PM

    nice wear specially natural stockings your legs looks very sexy

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Here is a really cute woman's outfit with a tie ... I think the loose collar makes it more feminine

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Personally, I think it's a fantastic look on a woman. My girlfriend is the "right" side of 30 and irregularly wears a tie to work. She has three of her own and alternates them against her black and white shirts. Sometimes she wears the tie loose with her throat exposed and other times - primarily in winter - she goes for the fully buttoned look. Either way, I never complain.

    In other words, the tie looks great on you, keep it up! :-)

  12. Anonymous7:50 PM

    love the contrast of skirt and tie

  13. I agree with the commentator who said the tie and the yellow shoes are too much together. They seem to be going in different directions and provide competing focal points for the viewer. So here's another vote for keeping the tie with a neutral shoe.

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    That skirt is absolutely stunning!

  15. Great outfit! I think the people who don't like the yellow shoes are off their rockers. You really know how to use color to spice up an outfit. Kudos.

  16. Anonymous6:41 AM

    You look stunning


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