
Friday, January 25, 2008

Done Broke

My Cannon Powershot A95 is dead. I think it’s just been dropped too many times. (Damn kitties knocking over the tripod!) Any suggestions for a new camera?


  1. Well I'm sure you look fabulous today, if a little blurry!

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    No camera suggestions but [claps hands in delight] you take great pictures even with a broken camera!

  3. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sony Cybershot for sure.

  4. I LOVE my Nikon D40(6pm). I think Costco had a really good deal lately on the Nikon D40x (10mp). I think it was around $800; don't suck in your breath. That came with 2 lenses, the digital cards, and a bag. They take such good pictures and I love its capabilities. It's also very user friendly. We got our D40 at Wolf Camera which also was a good deal that included 2 lenses, a bag, and digital cards. And free photography lessons to boot! I think ours ran about $650ish.

  5. Anonymous9:00 AM

    If you're wanting to go the DSLR route, then I second the vote for the Nikon D40. I have a D50 (D40's older brother), and couldn't be happier. But I am a pretty serious amatuer photographer, so it makes sense for me to have the extra capabilities. If you're looking for something to just take your morning photos and other odds and ends (and you don't want to spend the extra money), then I'd say go out and replace your poor dead Powershot with a new Powershot. I have one for carrying around in my bag when I don't want the weight of my bigger camera, and it takes beautiful pictures with excellent colour, which is important for you, considering your subject matter!

    Good Luck:)

  6. No suggestions, but I'm going to watch this thread for suggestions, as *I* need a new camera. :D

  7. I stumbled upon your blog looking for navy and red outfit ideas and had to tell you how much I love your blog! You've inspired me! Thank you!

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    My camera suggestion is a little cheaper--more along the lines of $350. I got mine about 8-9 years ago at good 'ol WalMart (normally, I despise that store). Anyway, it's been a FANTASTIC camera and if it ever bites the dust, I'm getting the newest version. It's a Sony Cybershot Smart Zoom DSC P92 with 5.0 megapixels. I keep it set on "fine" so that my photos are really crisp.
    Good Luck!

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    If you like Canon and point n shoots, try the SD1000.



  10. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I love the ghosty image. You need to frame that!

  11. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I love your blog, but this is my first time commenting. I have the same camera and I thought I had broken mine for good- all I got was purple lines and no image. So... I hit it a bunch of times, just banged the bottom like you'd bang an old tv. And it worked fine again. Every so often it will act up again so I hit it and it works again!

    You're probably better off with a new camera, but this might provide a temporary fix so we can see your outfit! good luck!

  12. I LOVE that photo! (and you still look fab--how do you do that?!) :)

  13. Anonymous2:17 PM

    You need a new camera.

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    My first thought was that you look like Santa Clause. :) I'm sure the outfit is beautiful.

  15. I love my Canon Powershot A620 for a point n shoot with some higher capabilities. For an SLR, definitely the Nikon D40. I covet one but haven't been able to convince the spouse yet.

  16. Anonymous12:44 AM

    So what outfit were you wearing? Perhaps you can wear it again and take a non-blurry picture!

  17. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I need to learn how to set up a tripod for my Canon but I don't know how. :-(

  18. Anonymous2:18 AM

    You MUST contact Canon about the camera to get it replaced or fixed! I had the same type of photos which are due to some kind of malfunction. You can google it and will find a lot of people have run across this problem. Anyway Canon will fix/replace it for free. They even paid for me to ship it to them via UPS. I got a refurbished camera that was way better than what I sent them. ~ann


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