
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Arctic Circle

Gray cardigan, Wet Seal. Green, circle-print dress, Max Studio. White blouse, Worthington. Yellow belt, Xhilaration. Gray tights, Merona. Gray slouchy boots, White Mountain. Green earrings, Body Central.

I call this my circle dress because the print is of interlocking rings. I normally only wear it in the warmer months, but, as usually happens this time of year, I’m tiring of my winter wardrobe and yearning to wear something springy. With a little layering, tights, and boots, the dress is warm enough for end-of-February wear.

One of the cyclically popular poses on Wardrobe Remix is the “holding the heel of your shoe” pose. I think it’s supposed to be sexy. I tried it, but it just looks like I stepped in some dog doo. I am very bad at “sexy.” I do “goofy” much better.

Congratulations to Cheri who correctly guessed that this is green and yellow week!


  1. This is one of my favorite looks for you. Love it!

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I'm so used to seeing you in bright bold colors...this is so different for you!

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    You can do without the earings- it fights with the brightness of the yellow belt.

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I disagree with your comment that you are bad at "sexy". This outfit is very sexy, especially the twirly spinny pose and the cutesy curtsey pose. I love the spring winter mix. It's that time of year.

    The belt reminds me of something a superhero would wear. It needs gadgets and accessories for twarting the bad guys. Wonder Woman had some seriously kicky boots, too.

  5. I love how feminine this outfit is!

  6. You are getting warmer. Boots:good.
    Now the bad news: The belt is disgusting. Maybe you are 13 and going to a rave, I don't know.
    No self-respecting woman buys anything at Wet Seal except tank tops . You have again, entirely too much going on. I understand your need to 'mix it up', however what you don't understand is that it just comes off as confused and whats worse: Messy.
    I give this outfit a: C-

  7. I won't even mention the plastic lime green earrings. ack.

  8. I think the yellow belt would look adorable with a bright bold shirt. Maybe you can try that out sometime? I too am yearning for spring. I've been trying to incorporate some of my spring clothes into my winter wardrobe- I'm sick of long sleeves and sweaters!!

  9. I meant a bright BLUE shirt. :) sorry!

  10. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Who is Cathy Reed? Why is she so bitchy and catty? And why does she look like a stripper?

  11. Anonymous9:51 PM

    ok i just have a question... which it is possible the answer is in your you wear that to work post... my question is when you first put something together do you like it at first or does it have to grow on you? i ask that because at first sight i was thinking what in the world is she wearing? and i have often felt that about your shoes choices. but you know what at second or maybe third...ok maybe fourth glance it really looks good. i am not asking to be rude and hope i do not come across that way but sometimes i will put outfits together and i think on no this is not going to work because i think it something stands out too much. i think i rob myself though of an awesome outfit, if you know what i mean... but just maybe i think i might just step out there oneday and just wear it anyway i might as well if i beat myself up for not wearing it i might as well go for it i never know i might just really like it and pat myself on the back for doing my thing!!! has anyone ever told you what an inspiration you are? i hope you understand me...

  12. HI kasmira..i have been looking at your website everyday now and just love love your outfits..and I admit I copied some of the,..lookign at your layering i had so many ides in my mind..its jsut wonderful how you can dress up..i also got the complement that i am all dresssed up..thanks for you good work..really

  13. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I don't like the combo of the neon yellow with the muted grey and green. Looks too bizare, sorry. But cute poses!

  14. Okay, I will leave you to your fashion-web-thing. Kudos to you for your bravery. I do apologize I should have tempered my honesty and been less brutal. I should have used more gentle tact. Please excuse the outbursts and good luck to your future fashion endeavors.

  15. Cheri - Ooooo, I think the belt would look great with a blue shirt. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Anon - I've been asked about my process before and I find it a difficult question to answer. I find inspiration in many places. Perhaps the best way to describe it is that I approach dressing myself as an outsider. I attach no or little value to the outfit (i.e. "good" or "bad"), but instead look at it as an artistic creation. Some days my creation is loud or jarring. Other days it is subtle or sweet. They all have some merit.

    And when my ego gets in the way, I just remind myself that I'm only spending one day in the outfit and life isn't worth living if you can't take risks.

    (Of course, by posting the pics on the web and allowing comments, I suppose my mistakes live on forever. On well. I'll look back one day and laugh.)

  16. I just wanted to say I like this outfit very much.

  17. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Cathy Reed is just jealous that your glorious blog gets more hits in an our than her blog has received in a year. Is it because have a better sense of style? Because you are better looking? Because you are a better writer? It's hard to say, because all of those things are true.

    Kasmira, you are an inspiration to thousands of readers. I can't wait to check your site out each morning to see what kind of outfit you have put together. Ignore all the haters, they are just jealous!

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    #1 fan,
    Thank you for taking a stand on this one with me. I stewed over the ridiculous comments by Cathy for 2 days before I said something. Not a lot of people have the courage or self confidence that Kasmira has to put themselves out there. But it is interesting, Cathy to see a 30-some year old woman posing like she is trying to get a date and not look her age but then accuse someone else of not acting or dressing "age appropriate".
    P.S. Cathy, I really, really dislike your shirt. I think it is tacky.

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Is the sexy "holding the heel" pose actually supposed to be holding on to the heel, or just have the heel and the hand in the same general vicinity? I'm not an expert, but I think I've seen the pose sans an actual grasp.


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