
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dressing It Down

Black velvet jacket, Forever 21. Gray long sleeved tee, Bitten. Coral blouse, Worthington. Mini-houndstooth skirt, J Crew. Black tights, Danskin. Black pumps, Bandolino. Cinnabar earrings, Into the Fray.

This is an example of how you can take a conservative outfit (skirt, blouse, blazer) and liven it up. The exposed shirt tails seem younger and more casual then a tucked-in blouse and adds more color to the outfit. The long-sleeved tee under the short-sleeved blazer also adds a casual element, as well as a nod to the short over long layering trend.

Why I love this skirt: the fishtail hem.

Oh, and I was reprimanded for not mentioning (yesterday) that my husband Mike also likes mint chocolate chip icecream. In fact, he bought some on Sunday. Yuck.


  1. I love the layering, you have a great eye for detail.

  2. love the fishtail end of the skirt too!

    p.s your hair colour is AMAZING!!! is it natural?

  3. Hmmm...Usually I like your outfits, but this one is too busy and confusing for me, especailly on top. I do LOVE the skirt though. and that coral top is one of my favorites of yours.

  4. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I like the high-heeled shoes, really love them.

  5. Fashion Tidbits - my hair is compliments of L'Oreal Feria.


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