
Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day

Red ruffled blouse, Daytrip. Green skirt, from my USMC service uniform (with black lace added by me). Black slingbacks, Audrey Brooke. Faux pearl cuff, Forever 21. Gold watch, Raymond Weil.

Well, after all that talk about not cropping my head out of photos, I’m cropping it today. Off with my head! Now you’re dying to know what’s wrong with it, right? I was looking too squinty. I’m very sensitive to light and bright, overcast days are simply the worst. Next time, I’ll don sunglasses.

I love my new shirt. I got it at Buckle, of all places! I’m afraid it was a big wrinkled by picture time. It was sheer coincidence that I wore red on Opening Day.


  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I love this blog... and you ;-)

  2. I love that shirt! And I love the way you refurbished your skirt. My husband is a former Marine - maybe I can figure out a way for him to re-use some of his uniforms=)

  3. I love this color combination - very sophisticated!
    Have you always had the lace trim on the waist of the skirt? I've seen the lace on the hem but I've never noticed it on the waist before - it's beautiful.

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I actually really don't like this color combination. The red seems off-putting when paired with the skirt. It seems too color mish-mashy. But I do love the design of the shirt and skirt separately!

  5. Unfortunately, the partial head cropping reminds me of that South Park episode "Britney's New Look", which I found disturbing from beginning to end.

    Of course, can't blame Kasmira for my problem with obscure cultural references.

  6. Nice combination.

  7. Jennifer - I added the lace at the waist when I did the hem trim, but I've never worn a tucked-in shirt, so it has always been covered.

  8. I absolutely LOVE the skirt and what you did to it. Awesome.

  9. That skirt is genius! Thanks for the link to it.

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I love this outfit! There is something fitting about the skirt being liberated from military service and being made to serve the side of beauty after "going to war". I love this trend to trim skirts out in lace on the hem, it reminds me of how you used to accidentally see the lace hem of a slip peeking out from under a skirt and it was SCANDALOUS!

    I love the blouse, all ruffled blouses are my favorite. You mentioned that it was wrinkled, but I thought it was something else. I thought you had a smooth satin blouse and a lace covered bra underneath, with the lace making a lumpy pattern through the satin. The first time I did this accidentally, I had to wear it that day because I didn't notice it until I was almost out the door. One of my male friends commented on it, and I showed him the bra underneath to explain. I found it to be a little like when your slip shows behind your legs when you're sitting down, some men catch on and can't stop stealing glances. It's a fashion faux pas that serves an unexpected purpose. It's a flirtatious attention getter that can make men wonder what you're wearing underneath. Sort of like the young girls with the strappy tops that let their bra straps show, only less obvious.


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