
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yellow Pumps

I’m totally addicted to viewing my blog stats. I get such a kick out of seeing what key words bring a person to my site. Besides obvious combinations of my blog name and actual name, the #1 combination that brings people here is “Nicole Richie dress” (bringing people to this page). Today, I saw that “what to wear with yellow pumps” had brought a visitor to my site. Sounds like a fashion emergency, to me. There you are, with bright, trendy shoes for spring and no clue as to how to incorporate them into your wardrobe!

You all know I have a pair of yellow pumps. I bought them last August after sighing over the yellow accessories worn by the girls of Wardrobe Remix. I dearly wanted to introduce yellow into my wardrobe, but was afraid to put the color near my face, so when I saw the yellow Victoria Spenser pumps at Shoe Carnival, I snatched them up. As the cashier rang up my purchase, Mike remarked that he didn’t think I had any yellow clothing to match. He was right. So I can understand the dilemma my anonymous friend finds herself in!

While I ended up buying a few yellow things and wearing them with the shoes, I also found the pumps fun to wear with outfits that didn’t have any other yellow. And, although I bought the heels for office wear, they work for more casual occasions as well.

So, Miss Yellow Shoes, if you come back, here are all the ways I’ve worn my yellow pumps:

(Okay, I left one outfit off. But it was truly heinous.)


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I love your yellow pumps! I really would love to find a pair to add to my shoe collection as well.

  2. I love seeing all these outfits together! They are all so cute, and I sure do love how you wear those yellow pumps. You've proved that something that seems wild or out of place in a shoe collection can work with so many different pieces if you use your imagination.

  3. I'm with you on the blog stats. I check mine several times a day, it's like email to me. I love figuring out who people are that visit me.

    I love your blog, I'm glad you don't chop off your head.

  4. Anonymous7:23 PM

    You make me want to go out and buy some yellow pumps. LOL

    I know you didn't ask, but I like pics 2, 3, 4, and 15 the best. Interesting combos, yet very classy.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I have to admit that I visit our site daily to see what you wore because I love your different combinations with some of the same pieces. You make me less scared of a lot of colors and combinations of things.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I want to see the heinous photo!

    I found your site by searching for "Victoria Spenser pumps." :)

    I LOVE your yellow shoes. I have actually been looking for a pair for myself ... or perhaps orange ... but likely both LOL. Unfortunately all the shoes in yellow or orange (or candy colours) are VERY high-heeled. I don't want to be walking down my residential street at 4:00 pm and have two teenaged boys approach me and ask me if .....
    (hehe my friend and I love that story).

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

    You rock! Not two or three, but fifteen awesome outfits with yellow pumps! Amazing and very inspirational! Thanks! L

  9. I have been searching for the perfect pair of yellow pumps since last summer! I envy you yours!

  10. Anonymous8:36 PM

    i just bought these shoes in the pink/yellow combination. Not sure what to wear with them. What do you suggest?

  11. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Hi Kasmira,

    I love clothes but hate shopping, so I wondered if someone like you who has taken more of a look around at the clothes for sale right now would be willing to help me. If you're not fond of shopping for other people, though, I totally understand!

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it: find a casual knit summer dress with short sleeves that I could just quickly pull on after the pool or a day of yardwork.

    (I had a sweet little tee-shirt dress with gathered cap sleeves, but I spilled bleach on it. Somebody told me (pre bleach) that I looked like Holly Golightly in it, yet I was still stupid enough to clean in it. Sigh.)

    Anyway, I am fairly slender but busty, so necklines that look modest on some show an amount of cleavage on me that really limits where I can wear them. For example, I really like the dress at the link that follows, but I know it would be too low cut and am afraid that a camisole would look bunchy under it. Help?


  12. god I love your blog!! I so wish I could be so trendy, and so beautiful!

    You really are amazing, you should be in fashion...or are you already? I don't know, but still, wow!

  13. Katie- (I know this isn't my question to answer, sorry, I can't resist online shopping for myself or someone else!) Did you notice the keyhole bubble tunic directly beneath the other? Could be a cute option and afford you the opportunity to go with the cami underneath. Kohls also has some cute things right now, and on sale!

  14. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I just finished reading your post and have one question. Since you said one photo was heinous, how often do you go back and look at photos and say "OMG, why did I put that outfit together and actually wear it in public"? I think you always look great and haven't come across anything heinous so far and I've been visiting your site for about a year now. You always look fab to me :)

    PS. Thanks for the advice on the purple shoes a few months ago. I think I have it down now, I'll send pics.


  15. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I recently bought some pumps that are sort of a tan-ish yellow color (yellow enough to be cheerful, but tan enough to be neutral). So far, they seem to go with many different outfits. For someone who is a little afraid to go so bright, something like that might be a good option.

    Ironically, just today I did a Google image search for "casual updo" and your picture came up on the first page. :)


  16. Anonymous5:08 AM


    I love those yellow pumps!! I'm trying to find a pair in that exact shade. Those pumps are fierce and of course girl, you just "work it"!! You always know how to maximize your look. That something I gotta learn how to do. Fab as always!

  17. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I saw on your fashion wish list that you wanted to find peacock feather earrings. I wanted to let you know that I just purchased a pair at Forever 21 the other day so if you are still looking you know where to go.

  18. Anonymous2:49 PM

    i found your blog by typing in "nicole richie hair"! how random! i can't imagine you putting together a bad outfit, go on, post it!


  19. Anonymous5:41 PM

    You have inspired me to buy a yellow shoes!

    Love your blog.

  20. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Wow, this is striking to see how you've addressed a tricky fashion item over and over again. I especially like Navy with yellow...seems to be "in" right now.

    I came to your site from a link on Now I visit you both everyday.


  21. Seeing as we have similar coloring, you've inspired me to add a lot more color to my wardrobe. I'm still looking for my perfect pair of yellow pumps (and another pair in green), but I have no doubts now that I could pull them off. Tonight I got a yellow shirt (first time in a long time) and I also got my yellow jacket back from the dry cleaners. I missed it terribly.

  22. Chel - those shoes are SWEET! I'd either go totally matchy and wear them with an outfit that picks out the colors, or I'd wear them with something neutral and add an accessory or two that matches (like a pink scarf and yellow bag). Have fun!

    Anon - I'm not much of a personal shopper! I have a friend who is starting her own image service and I observe over and over again how hard I'd find it not to just dress people like myself! :)

    Claire - Nope, not in fashion. I am the sole income provider of my household, so it's the corporate office life for me!

    Anon - I recognized the "heinous" outfit as such as soon as I got to work in it! Shortly after that incident, I started planning my outfits ahead of time. (The "heinous" outfit was the result of a morning rush.) For the most part, I haven't looked back at anything and cringed. Mostly I just wish I'd have taken more risks in the beginning. They're just clothes!

    Anon - those peacock feather earrings are always one step ahead of me! First they were supposed to be at Target (but gone when I got there!) and now at F21. I guess I'd better hurry.

  23. Anonymous12:58 AM

    That was me!!! I am looking for a pair of really cute yellow pumps to wear with a deep purple dress. In my search, I stumbled upon your blog!

  24. Anonymous6:50 AM

    i love especially the jacket with shape of A

  25. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Thank you, kt. I think I'm gonna order one of those new dresses at Kohls. Worked out great, because I have a giftcard there but I haven't yet found anything on which to use it.


  26. I also found your blog by typing "yellow shoes" awhile ago. Haven't purchased any yet, I just wanted to drool over pictures of them. I did, however, get a bright yellow Isaac Mizrahi tote with patent leather handles a few days before the official first day of spring. It yelled my name from the shelf as I walked into Target. delicious!

  27. Anonymous11:05 PM

    i've been googling how to wear yellow shoes and what to wear with yellow shoes for the past hour! i came across your site and i'm so glad i did! thanks for the really awesome ideas!

  28. oh these are fantastic! the shoes, the outfits with the shoes...i Love them! now to find a pair of yellow shoes...

  29. I just bought a pair of more neon yellow pumps and I'm not quite sure what to do with them. Other than the fact that I need to break them in with my wide feet I haven't worn them yet. Any suggestions? Should I reserve them for night time?

  30. CHAUNTEL SAYS-I love my yellow pumps. They are my fav!

  31. I love your mix-and-matching ideas. Great inspiration for me :-). Happened to stumble upon your blog while looking for white-shirt-black-pants inspirations. I'll be a regular visitor now :-)

  32. I love yellow! When I was a little girl, I remember thinking that no crayon picture was complete without some. You are so right in saying (and displaying!) that yellow shoes don't need to be worn with a yellow outfit. Way to be inventive :)

  33. Jamil Palladino1:31 PM

    I totally feel like I need to go out and buy some yellow heels! So cute! Love all the outfits! =)

  34. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I'm such a fashion mess when it comes to clothes.. so this actually helped me (somewhat). :) I'm still clueless most of the time. But I have these shoes I just got from Avon because they were so cute.. but they're YELLOW!

    Now I have some idea how to wear them... yes.. me and my impulse buying...

  35. I know you posted this a LOOONG time ago, but I wanted to send you a thank-you. I found your blog BECAUSE of this post! I have been wanting a pair of yellow wedges for a few years, but was determined NOT to buy them until I knew I could pair them with enough outfits to justify the cost. This is JUST what I was looking for... and I love the rest of your blog as well! How nice to see someone else who lives in dresses & skirts!


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