
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Should Never Be Seen

Cardigan, Gap. Circle print dress, Max Studio. Multistrand beaded necklace, World Market. Embellished scarf, TJ Maxx. Boots, Nine West. Gold belt, via swap.

Mike thinks it’s entertaining to mock me as I pose for my photos. He pretends he’s Zoolander and strikes crazy poses behind the camera, making it hard for me to keep a straight face. His antics have earned him a guest spot on my blog today. Let’s see…outfit details….his shorts are from Old Navy and his hat is a hideous souvenir from the last time he visited his alma mater. Who knows where the rest of his ensemble came from.

On with the main event…

I love mixing these shades of blue and green. Last time I wore them together, Sue Kennedy remarked how wrong her mother had been when she said, “blue and green should never be seen.” I can’t claim that I came up with this novel color pairing on my own. I was inspired by Kelley over a year ago:

The first time I saw her pairing of blue-green and yellow-green I thought it garish. The combination grew on me, though, and I tried it a few times myself:

Details of the jewelry, scarf, and belt. (Expect more, later today, on how I deal with excess strap length on this style of belt.)


  1. Peacocks do it all the time*!

    (*I'm talking about pairing blue and green, not peacock sex.)

  2. Tagged you, you're it! Check my blog for details.

    I personally love the blue/green combo btw.

  3. I love the blue+green+pink outfit. Very bold! And the velour jacket. :)

  4. Mike is funny as hayle!!!


    He should do a guest post once a month. Hide the hat. I'm just sayin ;)

  5. Oh my gosh, he is hilarious!
    I agree with tanyetta, I want to see some of Mike's outfits!

  6. I love the blue and green!

  7. LOL! I love the blue and green together.

  8. Mike is cracking me up with his Zoolander pose! :-)

  9. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I love the blue green combo too. and my favourite of yours is the green neck-scarf and blue sweater over green camisole.


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