
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eatin' Clothes

Babydoll top, Oh Baby! Capris, Metro 7. Sandal wedges, Mossimo. Earrings, World Market. Belt, swap.

Oh, come on. You know you have them too: comfy, roomy clothes that you can really do some EATIN’ in. These are my eatin’ clothes. The stretch capris and maternity shirt conceal an evening’s worth of Michelob Light and spicy garlic wings at Crossroads.

They are also comfortable enough to wear on the bicycle ride there and back. Mike and I are trying to replace one trip a day with our bikes. I like to think that cycling the hills between our house and the bar somewhat counteracts the effects of wings and beer.

Ballet jumps also burn calories. (Be sure to do these before the beer, not after.)


  1. Hi Kasmira. I LOVE the wedges. Do you have a close up shot of them?

  2. No, but I can take one! I'll have it up tomorrow.

  3. Hey Kasmira. I just stumbled on your blog. It's really fantastic and i love your style!

  4. You look scrummy! I love the top & belt combo and the jeans are cute and casual!

    I am also an increasingly huge fan of your ballet poses!

  5. I love it! Roomy but oh so cute at the same time... :)

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    love the shoes, belt and ballet poses..haha!


  7. Is that the same gold belt as the previous post? It looks the same but the "tail" is longer. Did you do the fold-back trick?

  8. Same belt - I just let the tail fly free for evening. I usually tuck it back through the buckle in a faux bow.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    coming out of lurkdom to laugh about your eatin' clothes - my friends and i call them eatin' pants.

    love your blog btw. my husband is a former Marine too - thank you for your service. :)

  10. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I love your blog (read it everyday actually) and also your witty sense of fashion.
    Although I live in Portugal (another continent, but not a world apart) I feel as we were neighbours (the internet kind of does it to you...) and its really good.
    Keep up with the good work neighbour!

  11. Anonymous5:58 PM

    A. it's an eatin' belt too, obv. since it can be let out, too. (side bar: my rain coat belt is sooo way long, and I do the faux bow, and it looks like droopy rabbit ears.)
    B. THAT leap in THOSE shoes is so daring that it might even be insane. brava

  12. Hmmm Kasmira. I'm a Cincinnatian too, and I've always wondered if I might see you walking by someday. Now I'm almost sure I will ... that Crossroads hint has me convinced. I'm just South of there ... No, I'm not a stalker, just curious about where you live.

  13. Anonymous6:13 AM

    just love your style. But when looking trough your posts, i got the impression that you must have twice as much shoes now as back in august 2007 ("my shoes"-post). Just checked the past 2 month an found 14 more pairs... So, what about an updating-post? 'Cause i like your colourful shoes so much.

    ulrike (from germany)

  14. why just survive? - I live in College Hill. I hope we do run into one another some day. Sounds fun!

    ulrike - the August post featured only my work shoes. I guess I didn't think anyone would be interested in my casual shoes.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    So, I didn't mean to be a nitpicker. I was just scared that a woman could survive with only twelve pairs of shoes still looking so fab... Knowing that you own even more was just for my own reassurance. Don't get me wrong please, it's just ... uhm ... hard to say ... sometimes I'm quite unsure whether my amounts of chaussure are far off the normal. So, that's it.


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