
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Half Pig

Team P&G shirt. Running tights, W. Cap, Adidas. Sneaks, New Balance.

Not the most glamorous WIWT ever, but, this is What I Wore Today to run the National City Half Marathon (part of the Flying Pig Marathon events). I had a good time. I wasn’t too tired to check out the fashions of my fellow racers and the many spectators. Of course, pig tails, ears and wings abounded, but it was the running skirts that caught my eye. I’m using my Dick’s 20% off apparel coupon for one of those!


  1. You go girl!

    Work that pink cap!

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Yay Kasmira!! WTG!
    I've been eyeing those running skirts too. I thought they were silly at first but I saw someone wearing one yesterday and she looked super cute.

  3. Awesome job! I ran the half Pig too, and it was a thrilling experience. I ironed letters onto my singlet saying "my first pig" and got extra cheers. :)

  4. Swing by the DOWNLITE Kenwood Store and we will hook up any WIWT Readers! We have these super cute Moving Comfort & North Face Pieces now. for hours, map, etc.
    Also have some really cute Mothers Day gifts - Caring wrap supports the young survival coalition.

  5. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Good for you; that's an amazing accomplishment! I like your use of the word sneaks; I use that word too. ;-)




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