
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Passion for the 'Nati Fashion

LBD, London Times. Zebra pumps, Delicious. Clutch, Apt 9.

Londyn and I went to the Passion for the ‘Nati Fashion event. I’ve never been to a fashion show, so I didn’t know what to expect. It was surprising. First, there were tons of guys there. It turned out that most were either (1) models or (2) models’ significant others, but the nearly 1:1 ratio still caught me off guard. The event was listed from 6 – 9 p.m., so Londyn and I were prepared for three hours of runway. Instead, we were kept waiting for almost 90 minutes and then treated to a 10 minute show. Prior to the show (and during?) the DJ presumably made announcements about the designers and where to purchase, but it was unintelligible. Looking at the entry on Cincy Update, the “designers” listed are Karisma Klothing, Metronation, Nati Involvement, Demin, Bolero, and Mustard Seed. (I put “designers” in quotation marks because Mustard Seed is a resale shop, not a designer. I suspect some of the other names are also boutiques of some sort.) There was a surplus of casual ensembles (i.e. jeans and t-shirts) on the catwalk, but a few presentations made Londyn and I sit up and take notice. I didn’t get photos, but perhaps some will be posted to the event listing at a later date.

I was absolutely intimidated by the thought of dressing for a fashion show. (Honestly, the reason I haven’t seen the Sex in the City movie is because I am afraid I’ll be underdressed, overdressed, or too kookily dressed compared to the other theater goers. I’m shy at heart.) I totally envied Londyn’s story of casually and quickly putting together her outfit. After much thought, I played it safe with a black dress and added flashy shoes and a bright bag.

I’m no hair guru, but this mussed curl look has served me well at events and on stage and even to work (when I’ve got the time!). First, I scrunch my damp hair and let it air dry into its natural waves. (If it’s just washed, I apply a hydrating cream and wave spray first.) Then, with a small, hot iron, I randomly curl pieces throughout, careful to alternate the direction of the roll. I mentally divide my hair into three layers, top, middle, and bottom, and curl bits in each layer. (I LOVE the look of a sleek, fat curl coyly peeking from underneath straighter pieces.) I refrain from combing or even touching the curls; I prefer them to stay in their pretty spiral form. I don’t use any mousse, gel, or hairspray. I have easy to curl hair, so it isn’t necessary, and I like the way the ‘do looks after the curls relax a bit.


  1. Great look! Go see the movie! You will love it! Plus, you always look fabulous! I also went to my fist fashion show recently and it wasn't quite what I expected. The movie however was so GO GO GO!

  2. Fist fashion show? OK, first fashion show!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous1:06 PM

    love those shoes! Sex and the city is totally worth it, I promise, especially on the big screen. I went with my lady friends and we all pretty much wore the same thing--casual dress, great shoes. We even ended up taking a picture of our feet! So fun, and have a Cosmo before you go in because it'll make the movie so much more fun!

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM

    You have such a cute figure and this dress doesn't do much to highlight it. I think if you're going to wear something loose, at least accentuate it with a bit of collarbone or a shorter hem. This dress seems way too matronly for you! But I do love your shoes :)

  6. this is a very simple look from you but the combi works. love the shoes! Go see SATC... you're a fab dresser urself.

  7. OMG, that is such a cute outfit! You look fabulous!

  8. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Love it! Sophistocated and fun,

  9. I love, love, love that dress. Seems so effortlessly stylish.


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