
Thursday, July 10, 2008

To Match a Purse, Take Three

Cardigan, Mossimo. Dress, Max Studio. Anklestrap pumps, Miss Me. Nude fishnets, Vera Wang. Purse, Forever 21. Beads, Claire’s. Pendant, Urban Outfitters.

The title is a bit misleading. I wasn’t actually trying to create an outfit around this purse. I was trying to find a new way to wear this dress. I love the skirt half, but the top is so ugly that I’m always looking for a cover-up. This time, I topped it with the pale yellow cardigan. Then I started reached for my yellow pumps, but decided to be bold and wear my floral shoes instead. I liked the floral anklestrap pumps with my floral Forever 21 bag so much last time that I decided to repeat the pairing. Finally, I added some pink beads to tie the look together.

Some people have been curious as to how I take these spinning shots. Usually, I press the self-timer (10 second delay) or use the remote (2 second delay) and begin the spin a moment or two before the shutter closes, timing it so that my skirt is flared and my face is front at the “click.” As you can imagine this takes a few tries, but I’ve become quite good at the timing with practice. My new camera (digital SLR) can be set to take multiple shots as one holds the shutter button down, but this doesn’t work with the remote. Mike used this setting to take the Purple and Spice spins. We did this again today, but none of the shots turned out as well as my self-shot spin (at right). However, the below picture demonstrates that, even if the pictures don’t turn out well, the process is awfully fun:

P.S. I’m afraid I have disabled Anonymous comments. I tired of the drive-by shootings. If you’d like to fire insults (or otherwise), you’ll need to take a moment to register with Blogger.


  1. I love this outfit! I think these are my favorites of your shoes. I've always avoided ankle straps becuase I read (probably in Seventeen magazine 25 years ago) that they make a person's leg look stumpy. Not on you!
    I'm curious about the top of the dress now. Kudos to you for accentuating the positive so well.

  2. I think this is my favorite with the shoes and purse! I love the soft colors.

    Good for you for turning off the anon commenting. It's hard to imagine how people can be so rude and mean.

  3. I respect your reasons for turning off the anonymous feature. As I enjoy your blog and like to provide comments, this has spurred me to create an account!



  4. It's so funny that you say this about your dress--I, too, am curious about the top. Your post yesterday seriously inspired me to go shopping. I bought 3 dresses for a total of about $60 (I love Marshall's): one dressy dress for an event last night, and two day dresses. Both made me think of you, b/c I thought, how would Kasmira layer these? I am going to photograph them and send them to you for ideas, b/c one of them, I love the colors, but it just feels like it needs something. And I have no idea what it is! lol.
    Fabulous. I do love those yellow shoes. Very pretty.

  5. Great bag and shoes! Especially love the bag. I've read your blog for a week straight now and look forward to your creations every morning. Gotta love the internet!!

    As the mom of two young girls, my mornings are a bit hectic. I am envious of your seeming energy in the morning! You look wonderful. I am inspired to step it up a bit! Hats off to you!!

  6. diana von glahn - send the picture! Sounds like fun. :)

    all - thanks for understanding bout the anon shut-down. I didn't want to create an inconvenience for those that regularly leave constructive comments.

    leslie - I plan all my outfits during a "fashion show" session on the weekend. The night before each workday, I reference my list (each outfit is assigned to a day, depending on the weather forecast) and transfer my purse items. The next morning, all I need to do is put on my clothes and go!

  7. This is my first comment - I love your blog! It's so nice to find a fellow fashion maven. You inspired me to start my own daily fashion blog - thanks!

    Okay, now you have me totally curious - what does the top of this dress look like?

  8. Very cute shoes!

    I love your blog. I read it every day. I'm sorry to hear that some losers have nothing better to do than insult you. (sticking tongue out at them)

    You are beautiful and your clothing choices are great.

  9. Kasmira, You are a marvel of organization and creative energy. What fun to plan your outfits on the weekends. I will give that a try.

    I have always been impressed by women organized enough to switch purses daily. That so there is something to aspire to someday. (There is plenty that I can aspire to do. Perhap I will learn Mandarin first though.) When I switch purses, I am always amused by what I find.. one of my three year old's pink socks, etc...

    If you are ever in Boston, consider yourself formally invited for a cup of tea (or wine) so I can pick your brain on tips for my perennial garden and my less than zippy wardrobe. Cheers!

  10. This is for Leslie (and you too Kasmira)!

    I have something called the Purz-in-izer.


    You keep your essentials in the organizer and when you change bags, you just transfer it. I live and die by this thing.

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Oh, I'm glad you've still allowed OpenID comments! One blog is more than enough for me, so I really didn;t want to sign up for another just to comment. I'm glad you disabled anonymous comments, though, since anonymity just allows people to behave as if their actions have no consequences. Personally, I adore your style and think just about every outfit you post is great! From what you've posted of it, your house looks beautiful too.

    I love this outfit! I too am curious about the top of the dress, since the bottom is lovely.

    For keeping purses organized and easy to switch, my mom keeps most of her purse contents in small zippered bags, like makeup bags. I'm planning on making something like this.

  12. I love the outfit. I need to figure out how to work the timer on my camera! You look fab!!!

  13. Kasmira, I chanced upon your blog quite accidentally :) Ever since, I have been following your entries religiously. I admire your mix and match fashion sense and also your creativity.

    We surely cannot please everybody, and it's always easier for people to leave non constructive criticism...

  14. hey kasmira, that self-shot spin of yours is gorgeous! in one of your previous post i mentioned that you inspired me to get yellow shoes...and i did! i just got myself a pair of yellow wedges :)

    btw good for you for disabling the Anonymous comments. some people seriously have nothing better to do.

  15. i love your shoes!

    just found your blog and you pull off amazing combinations i could never even conceive. beautiful!

  16. I was going to spend the weekend getting organised and planning meals for the family for the week. I still haven't got round to it. But after reading what you said about planning outfits. I am so excited I am going to get started right now. Just don't tell my kids why they are getting beans on toast tomorrow!

  17. Good job on curbing the drive-by's. I always go with "If you can't say something nice..."
    Anyway, hope you don't mind but I blogged your AWESOME Talbot's skirt as a reference to how you can find great pieces there, plus they are having a great 25% off clearance prices sale right now. I cleaned up, but your skirt is still my fave!

  18. I totally understand your switching off anon comments! Thankfully I have not encountered any of the Haters myself, but have seen what they have left for others! Not nice!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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