
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

That Troublesome Skirt

Indian skirt, flea market. Oxford shirt, Gap. Cardigan, Moda International. Peeptoe pumps, Wild Diva. Faux feather earrings, Ali’s Boutique. Handbag, Naturalizer (vintage and thrifted). Tiger eye ring, Jan Michaels.

Ack. This wrap skirt’s tie closure still annoys me. I need to replace the ties with some other sort of fastener – perhaps snaps. The skirt continued to give me trouble once I had it on. With my overloaded work bag pressing firmly against one hip, the skirt rotated around my waist as I walked. It had rotated 90 degrees by the time I noticed and I looked awfully silly. I think I complain every time I wear this skirt, but I can’t bear to part with it. The fabrics are just too lovely.

I bought this ring at lunch today, at a delightfully eclectic home store called High Street. I know my hands are really ugly (despite some photoshop blurring), but I modeled the ring for its closeup to give you a sense of scale. It's wonderfully chunky.


  1. I love that ring...I want that ring. :D

    Why don't you turn the skirt into a scarf or just sew it into a non-wrap? It's gorgeous but sounds like a hassle.

  2. I hate twisty skirts, but it is beautiful.
    What's wrong with your hands? That ring = love it!

  3. Absolutely fab - esp. the ring and shoes - well done!

  4. No matter how annoying that skirt is, I wouldn't part with t, it's just too beautiful. Replacing the fasteners sounds like a good idea. I adore the ring and the shoes, especially the color!!!

  5. Have you tried double sided sticky tape? Or even safety pins. It would at least be a temporary solution for the skirt movement...
    Lovely skirt, fantastic find with the ring

  6. Don't get rid of that skirt! It is fabulous!
    BTW--Enjoying Eccentric Glamour very much! Thanks for the recommendation!

  7. Absolutely love the ring!

  8. What a pretty skirt! I love how you matched the shoes with the blue details on the skirt. They really make the outfit pop! Oh yeah, and that ring is beautiful.

    Thanks a lot for your comment on my blog, I love feathers as well :)

    Also, I'm running a Labor Day promotion on my blog that will begin in a few days. You can get a 15% discount at a great, affordable online store - check it out!

  9. Thanks for posting your cute outfits on your blog. It's really a public service :) It inspires me to play a bit more and mix up my wardrobe.

  10. Anonymous8:35 AM

    So cute! I love this outfit. Great style, girlfriend.


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