
Friday, September 26, 2008

Butch Punk

Tuxedo jacket, thrifted. Dress, Forever 21 (via swap). Necktie, Mike’s USNA uniform. Open weave leggings (worn over solid tights), Forever 21. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Bracelet, swap.

Last time I wore a tie, it started quite a furor, both in the blog comments and on flickr. In anticipation of wearing a tie again this week, I poked around on the internet for current attitudes about women in ties. Not much has changed; it still isn’t a popular look. According to the ladies on the Purse Forum, if a woman wears a tie, she’s either butch or punk. I’m not sure which adjective I should claim.


  1. I think the tie looks less fussy than a scarf would with that outfit. Simple and black works and the dress is great! I didn't know ties were not hip for ladies. I remember hi junior high I read in the school rule book that all students must be in uniform but they didn't specify a different uniform for the boys and girls. No boys showed up in kilts, but a few of us girls did start wearing neckties.

  2. Ooh, I love the tie! I've been tempted to do one for some time (my man has a huge collection), but haven't been sure how.

    I used to wear ties in high school all the time (doing sort of a preppy/punk look).

    I really like this outfit - it's definitely on the punk side.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I was ambivalent about the last tie outfit, but I love, love, love this one! The red and black are really excellent together. I also think it helps that the tie is skinnier and broken up by the jacket.

  4. man..EFF that! i've worn ties on & off since high school & i'm sure i've never been thought of as looking mannish. i think it's a great look for women, plus the way you've worn your tie, it's no less an accessory than like a scarf or a necklace. i usually wear my ties the way some guys do where the tie is the same color as the button down shirt. in fact, now i'm inspired & will probably wear a tie sometime this week. i think you look great...keep doing what you do!

  5. I really, really loved the way you wore a tie last time.

  6. Pretty dress. I have a million dresses from Forever 21. They're cute & cheap so what's not to love? Well, that'd be the "hand wash only" tag. Drives me nuts.....

  7. I think a woman wearing a tie can carry it off as long as she's not fussed about it. I worked with a lawyer who wore a men's tie with her navy-blue pant suit. The jacket was cut in a very feminine way and she carried the look off well.

    And you're not wearing it in the conventional way so why would anyone make a fuss!

  8. Claim neither, you look too fabulous for punk and too feminine for butch. When done right ties can look great on women. You're doing it right!


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