
Monday, September 22, 2008

Pretty Pretty Princess

Satin blouse, Express. Velvet skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Sash, Mike’s USNA necktie. Brooch, swapped. Slingbacks, Linea Paolo.

I felt a little too “pretty pretty princess” in this ensemble. I think the rhinestone buttons, glittery brooch, shiny shirt, and bell-shaped skirt were a bit much all together.


  1. broken picture, oh my!

  2. Maybe they were a bit too much, but I like it a lot!

  3. it was too much, but i like it anyway (christmas theme and all)! its probably perfect for a stepford wife hosting a christmas party, or baking christmas cookies!

  4. I don't think it's too much at all. That skirt is one of my favorite pieces of yours.

  5. I myself would feel a bit too twee in this outfit, but it looks great on you! you should read this post, you skirt reminded me of it:

  6. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Love your outfit, but think you could use a deeper shoe to "ground" all the color up top.

  7. I really like this. In fact, I think this is my favorite way you've worn that skirt. I love the color of that top.

  8. I agree with Jody. I was just popping in to say that I think this is my favorite way I've seen this skirt. I think the top balances it nicely, and the tie gives it structure.

  9. It IS pretty. The shirt and skirt are great together (and, like others have said, I think this is my favorite way you've worn the skirt). Maybe next time try accessories that are less, uh... pretty.

  10. This outfit is so chic! I think the shoes maybe should have been a different color... they just kind of blend. I want a skirt like this one!

  11. I love this outfit and I think I need that blouse. :)

  12. This is an adorable outfit! I can see how it might be a bit too much...but I'm loving the casual color coordination.

  13. I think you look very cute with that outfit.

  14. I really like this! No earrings?

    I just noticed there's another Sheila.

  15. I love this outfit. Not too pretty at all. I love that green color on you. Perfect for fall :)


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