
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Black Lace

Lace blouse, Newport News. Purple cami and rose bracelet, Forever 21. Skirt, USMC Service uniform (altered). Pumps, Delicious. Bag, Naturalizer (thrifted and vintage).

Some people say that black lace is cheap and tacky. I don’t care; I still like it.

I wore this skirt and blouse together once before. I like the combo better with the purple tank than the pink.


  1. I like it better this way, too, but not because of the colour but because of the shape of the tank underneath, I think...

  2. Anonymous3:10 PM

    normally, i LOVE your yellow shoes as a pop of color, but im just not feeling them with this particular outfit...i think with the black-olive green-purple combo, i would have preferred either simple black shoes, or else tan/nude shoes to elongate your legs...but i do agree, i like this combination better than with the pink -- i think it is because the purple cami is darker so it only provides a hint of color...

  3. I like the pop of yellow.

  4. Seeing them side-by-side, I like the purple too. It's more subtle, but the yellow kicks it up a notch so it's not too subtle.

  5. I love lace - I have just found a black lace dress circa 1988 at the back of my wardrobe.
    You look great.

  6. I agree that the shape of the cami works better under the lace. (But then I always opt for purple whenever possible. :) )

    And I love what you have done with the skirt. Never in a million years would I have pegged it as a uniform piece. Nice work. Always grand to see things repurposed in such a fine way. Makes you feel good doesn't it?

    Beautiful outfit. And I think you carried off the black lace quite stylish!

  7. I like the purple and the black lace,i would have gone w/ diff shoes, but you still look fab!

  8. Maybe it's the glasses. This outfit makes me think (in a good way) of those scene in movies of the 50's when the secretary suddenly takes off her glasses and lets down her hair, and the big lug says, "Why, Miss Jones, you're beautiful!"


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