
Friday, October 10, 2008

Gettin My CPW On

Purple (it's hard to tell!) sweater, Forever 21. Dress, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Belt, Luxury Divas. Boots, White Mountain. Bracelet, Urban Outfitters. Bag, Payless

I don’t think this dress cost more than $35, but I’m determined to bring the cost per wear below the current $8.75. I plan on pairing it with lots of sweaters this fall.

Oh, and here’s a secret: I can’t zip the dress up by myself. The bodice and sleeves are so fitted that I can’t pull the zipper up the top four inches in the back. If I can’t find help, I just leave it unzipped. No one can tell once I’ve thrown a jacket or sweater on top. If I DO find help, I have to be sure that I have someone lined up to get the dress off again, or I’m stuck.


  1. That's a beautiful dress! I love love love that print, and the outfit itself is lovely!

  2. Talk about your good jobs in this rotten economy.

    "Oh, zipper boy..."

  3. Gorgeous dress! I wonder if it's possible to convert one of those plastic, hand-shaped back-scratchers into a zipper-upper, because I have the same problem with a couple of my dresses. And the less in shape I am, the more dangerous it is to try and do them up on my own!

  4. Love the boots with the dress! I was just looking at a similar pair from Whole Mountain and your outfit confirms they would be a great purchase. Thanks Kasmira!!

  5. oh dear! i have a few dresses like that... *sigh*

  6. Love this outfit - the colors go together so nicely. Did you paint that room you're in? Didn't the wall used to be a color (not white)?

  7. I have this dress and I absolutely love it. I get so many compliments whenever I wear it! It's great to see how you've made it appropriate for fall! I've been wondering how I would work it for the colder seasons and thinking that it would be difficult, but you make it look easy. :)

  8. Wow I love the way you dress...
    I am wanting to create my own style and just wondering if you have any tips?

    You look awsome!

  9. It would be great if you could give me some advice...I know I am asking a really broad please let me know what information you'd need to make it more specific...

    Well my fashion goal is to look colorful, stylish, and very bold!
    Thank you!


  10. I love Target! Their stuff is so great, reasonably-priced and usually really nice quality. It's often easy to dress up or down, and I really like what you did w/ this dress. It's especially wonderful to get compliments from random strangers who simply can't believe I got various parts of my outfit at Tar-zhay!

  11. Jody - the room does have one purple wall, but the rest are white:

    Juanita - my advice is to wear what you love! I like Simon Doonan's book, Eccentric Glamour. His style philosophy is similar to mine.

  12. Wonderful I'll get the book.
    I really really adore vintage clothles. They are so amazing!

  13. Anonymous12:27 PM

    A cord attached to an alligator clip might do the trick. :) Just attach the clip to the zipper (alligator clips are very strong) and when it won't zip any further, use the cord to pull it on up.

    I've had a few dresses with that problem too. Hahaha...

  14. As Lacroix says, you can try to attach some string or ribbon to the zipper, kind of the surfing neoprene suits ones.

  15. You look fabulous in this - I love that dress!

    Your hair looks really cute bouffanted up like that in back.

  16. I love this look on you -- fabulous how you put everything together. And I love your hair! :)

  17. Although the alligator clip is a good idea, I have a more decorative one. I'm not sure how "crafty" you are, but you can either:

    1)attach a chain to the zipper pull with a split ring, place a decorative bead at the end of the chain.

    2)attach a shorter necklace chain to the split ring, something with a bit of "bling"... or not :o)

    Either solution will give you something to pull on yet it is somewhat decorative so if someone DOES get a glimpse of it, it's puuurdy... :)


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