
Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Sweater, H&M. Trousers, Forever 21. Belt, Luxury Divas. Earrings, Nine West. Booties, Sigerson Morrison for Target.

I feel like Barbarella (a modest Barbarella) today. I think it’s the black, the hair, and the belt:

I tried to watch Barbarella once, but lost interest at the climactic (pun somewhat intended) fight scene with the lesbian queen. I was surprised to look up the run time and find the movie is only 98 minutes long. I guess my attention span is even shorter than I knew.


  1. Love those boots! They really pop with that outfit.

  2. Very cute outfit. I absolutely love the belt. Very fun.

  3. I LOVE this outfit! The boots add the perfect pop of color.

  4. That belt just MAKES that outfit! It cinches the waist and looks fabulous on you!


  5. I felt the same way about Barbarella. I suffered through the whole thing.

    Your hair looks amazing in this shot.

  6. Thanks Psuedokim - my hair is totally crunchy and filmy from swimming last night. I'm trying not to touch it today.

  7. I love this outfit.

    And I made it about 10 minutes into Barbarella. How could something that hokey be boring instead of funny?

  8. LOVE IT! The whole outfit is sooo attractive -- and the brown really makes your hair color look especially nice.

  9. I love the belt, and the outfit. I love how you combine the shoes and clothes!!! Shiny colors with traditional clothes and how combine different pants, and skirts. You give a lot of ideas and push me to be more creative when i choose what wear every day!!! I visit this blog every day!!!
    Hugs from Costa Rica

  10. Love the entire outfit, Va Va Va Voom! Can we get a closer look at the boots pretty please? :)

  11. The boots, the hair, the belt -- I LOVE.

  12. lht - here is the picture I swiped from Target's website:

  13. re: crunchy hair from swimming:

    When I want to protect my hair from chlorine, usually after it has been recently coloured, I apply conditioner in my hair, put on my swim cap, and leave it in my hair during my swim. I rinse the conditioner out after I'm done swimming.

    The only downside to doing this: my hair becomes slippery with the conditioner in it and it can be difficult to put my bathing cap on. Also, my cap slides so slightly when I put my goggles on.

    But, it does the trick!



  14. Hi sabina - that's MY trick! I wet my hair, coat it in conditioner, and cap it. I have to adjust the cap every 1000 yards or so because it does tend to creep with all the slimy hair beneath.

    But I still get crunchy/filmy because I don't use shampoo afterward swimming, just rinse with water. (I only use shampoo every 2 - 3 days.) The rinse doesn't remove the residual hair product I used earlier that day. Gives me an interesting texture, though!

    When I used to not use any hair product, I didn't have this problem, despite the infrequent shampooing. But that was back in the military days when I wore it in a bun every single day!

  15. This outfit looks brown and gold in the picture, but I saw your tags say black and silver. Either way it is a great shape and your hair looks fabulous. If it is brown and gold, the colors go so nicely with your skin tone!

  16. Sara - I guess the colors look off because I didn't use a flash and the bulbs in the room give off a yellow light. This is how it looked with the flash:

  17. I love the outfit! I enjoy reading your blog, and wanted to let you know that I have passed the "your blog is fabulous" award onto you :)

  18. No, it's not you, that movie is weird and not a lot happens. It starts out OK, then it gets really kinky, but for no reason.

  19. You look superlean and fierce in this outfit! When I scrolled down, the pop of blue surprised me, but in the best way. :)

  20. I love that belt! - and your hair looks awesome!

    I just wanted to drop a line and let you know my blog has been revamped and I have a new address if you would like to exchange links!!

    I'm so excited to be back in the fashion blogging game!

  21. I have never seen such a wonderful belt.

  22. I saw those boots at Target on Sunday and tried them on. They're gorgeous, but since I went nutty buying boots this weekend, I couldn't justify buying them. But they look awesome on you.


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