
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Cardigan, Bitten. Sweater, Merona. Tank, No Boundaries. Jeans, M. Slippers, Walmart. Necklace, Dillard’s?

Christmas, for me, is not about looking fashionable, but rather being comfortable! My favorite Christmas tradition is taking goofy pictures with our gifts and sending those photos with the thank-you notes. I’m sure my brother-in-law will forever regret sending us The Bathroom Book for Christmas.

I think we started another fun tradition this year….buying a live lobster for dinner and laughing at our cats checking it out. (No animals were harmed in the encounter. I’m afraid the lobster was boiled alive shortly afterwards, though.)

If this were a fighting match, the lobster definitely won, even with its claws held with rubber bands. The cats were simply terrified of the giant bug.


  1. Ohhhh, how cute, love the kitties checking out the lobster -- a new fun tradition for sure! We gave our kitties some spicy (cooked) squid last Christmas but they both promptly barfed it right up, even though they gobbled it w/o hesitation . . .

    and cute comfie outfit too!!

  2. The pictures of your cats are so adorably cute!

  3. Cats v. Lobster - hilarious!

    Creative pictures of gifts (particularly the Bathroom Reader) - brilliant!

    Hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

  4. You looked great! i love the colors that you picked for your outfit, i always like how colorful and different your outfits are!

    How cute are the pictures of the kitties looking at the lobster haha. Good thing the lobster had its claws held with rubber bands, since lobsters are related to scorpions i think they are just as scary, but really yummy unlike scorpions :D

  5. That is horrible. It's bad enough that you boiled the poor creature alive and ate it, although that I could just about deal with. But that you condemned it to spend its final few moments on this earth bound and defenceless, surrounded by predators and no doubt terrified, I find absolutely disgraceful. That you label this a "fun tradition" sickens me beyond belief.

    If it was the other way around, a cat being taunted by huge lobsters, everyone would be up in arms. But lobsters aren't cute and furry, and apparently they taste good once tortured to death, so for some reason they don't count as animals and are fair game. Everyone conveniently forgets that they feel pain and fear just like any other animal.

    I'm absolutely disgusted by the lack of empathy and compassion shown by you and by the other commenters. It is not cute, it's not fun, it's not hilarious. It's cruel beyond measure.

  6. Phew, what do you say after that? My cats also check out wasps before I kill them (the wasps, not the cats).

    I thought it was funny - and no harm was done to the cats or lobsters. It (the lobster) certainly wasn't tortured to death. look great, Kasmira, as always. Hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

  7. Hm. Well, if being boiled alive isn't being tortured to death then I don't know what is. Clearly you have far higher pain thresholds than I do.

  8. I find it disgusting to not only torture a defenseless animal, but to let your food crawl around on the dirty floor before eating it. Gross! You have a good sense of style, but seem to lack any compassion or hygiene.

  9. Hey, I'm a big fan of you and your blog and look forward to seeing your creative and beautiful outfits. You're awesome! Thanks for all the great ideas.

    And, I'd also like to weigh in on the whole lobster controversy; I thought it was cute sharing how your cats reacted to the 'big bug' on the floor. I also have several cats, and seeing their reactions to strange and new things are priceless, let alone lots of fun.

    I didn't feel the least bit horrified that the cats had a bit of curious fun. Since cats don't regularly prey on lobsters, I doubt that they had plans on sinking their fangs in the lobster's jugular veins. Ah, wait, do lobsters have jugular veins? Anyway, if they did, I'm sure that their hard, tough exterior would protect their vital organs.

    The pictures are adorable, and I saw no evidence that the lobster's blood and guts were spilled on the, apparently clean, floor. Ah, once again, you'll have to forgive my ignorance on lobster physiology. Do they have blood and guts? Anyway, it looked intact after the kitty torture.

    Plus, we're at the top of the food chain, so we can do pretty much what we want to our 'food'.

    Thanks for not taking life so seriously. Now, back to your incredible outfits!

    And, thanks for the opportunity and allowing me to vent. I mean, would you just stick to the clothes already! ;-) Couldn't resist.


  10. Have we seen that necklace before? It didn't catch my eye at first, but then I noticed the festive plaid ribbon around the neck. Did you add the ribbon, or is that how the necklace came. It's perfect for Christmas Day.

  11. Well, if you are going to eat a lobster, the other way to kill it is by stabbing it through the neck with a knife. *shrugs* Not sure which is better but I boiled the live one I ate.

    And please, I doubt the lobster was being tortured there. If you think that was cruel, I hope you don't eat any meat at all.

  12. The potluck earrings were famous the last 2 years...what did you wear to the potluck this year? =)

  13. Your kitties are so cute!! It's so funny to see a bunch of them looking like they're all ganging up on the lobster!

  14. I was afraid the lobster pictures would spark some controversy. The lobster may have been afraid, but there was absolutely no cat-lobster contact. The cats were far too scared. As for the lack of hygiene, well, my husband ate the lobster, not me, and suffered no ill effects.

    Cat - I don't wear the necklace often. I think I last wore it here:

    tooblonde1 - This year, the potluck fell during the LGTMAS week and I wore the Euro Chic outfit.

  15. Your cats are very cute, and obviously well fed. I knew some people would go off the deep end as soon as I saw the pix with the lobster. For what it's worth, there is some evidence that lobsters (and other bugs) do not experience pain. In any case, dying instantly on contact with the boiling water is probably a lot less painful than all the ways they are killed in their natural environment. (We avoid these dilemmas by going out for Chinese food on Christmas.)

  16. Boy, controversial!

    I think the kitten and lobster pics are adorable. Thanks for sharing them.

  17. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hysterical! Next time, take the bands off the lobster claws and see what happens just for fun! Good thing the lobsters went in the pot and not the kitties by accident! Wild things happen when the champagne starts flowing!


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