
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

LGTMAS: American Classic

Jacket, Forever 21 (overdyed by me). Sweater vest, Cherokee. Button-down shirt, Gap. Skirt, Willi Smith (thrifted and altered). Tights, Hue. Loafer wedges, American Eagle for Payless. Bag, thrifted. Belt, thrifted. Earrings, Claire’s.

Generally, this style is a little too preppy for my tastes. I like most of the elements of the style, just not all of them together. I’d rather mix up the prepster pieces with something funkier.

I’m with Wendy B on the “crisp white shirt,” a mainstay of the American Classic style. It is not one of my wardrobe basics and it certainly doesn’t stay “crisp” for long!

Inspiration from The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style:

The American Classic Lucky Blogger Girl is Leslie of Cute on the Cheap. She does preppy nearly every day and it suits her well.

I'll be taking a break from the LGTMAS (Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style) series for the next two days. I, unfortunately, have some work events at which I do not wish to be dressed as Gamine or Bohemian. Especially since my Gamine outfit is so sweet it makes my teeth hurt and I'm questioning my own judgment on wearing my Bohemian ensemble to the office.


  1. Looks great - but your right, I don't think "preppy" is really you... You're too original for that! :-)


  2. Aww thanks--I haven't seen the book (in fact, I broke down and bought it yesterday) but I have to say that the American Classic look does sound very "me"! I try to mix in elements like a leather jacket every now and then but no matter what I do it reverts back to preppy which seems to just most fit my personality.

    Thanks for the shoutout!

  3. This is such a fun challenge to watch. It's really making want to check that book out. Even at my age I'm still searching for my style. But, I'm ok with that as I love to experiment. I'm looking forward to seeing more of the challenge.

  4. Another member of the "rumpled white shirt" club. Good to know!

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Great! Even though you want to be funkier, you really look sharp.


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