
Friday, February 13, 2009

Bicycling in the Dark

Jacket, Dex (swap). Dress, No Boundaries. Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Diba. Bag, Nine West. Earrings, Pangaea. Cat, Bear.

I went bicycling in the dark to attend a get together at my friend Abby’s house. The ride was fine until I was almost there and the sidewalk ended. Although I had a headlight and blinking taillight, I was still honked and yelled at for being on the road. Thankfully, the sidewalk-less portion was short and I caught a ride home.

Cincinnati is not a bike-friendly city.

He may look all cuddly, but Bear is clawing the heck out of my neck in this shot.


  1. I've seen the same thing happen to cyclists here. I don't think it's the city - I think it's the drivers!

    I get honked at for being in a crosswalk! I'm taking my life into my hands every time I step out into the street.

    I love this outfit - the boots are fab. Bear is adorable, but he doesn't look like he likes to cuddle.

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    outside of my building (in DC) there is a crosswalk with a sign on either wide of it telling drivers to stop for pedestrians (as the crosswalk is not at a corner or light, but in the middle of a longer strip of street)
    the other day, my coworker + i were crossing the street + a driver proceeded toward us at full speed and honked at us for not getting out of the way fast enough.
    i responded bu flipping him the bird + pointing at the sign.

    drivers are batty!

  3. Oh, silly Ohio... no really, I believe it's just the drivers as well. If they're in a car, they think they own the street!

    Great outfit, btw. It looks comfy but oh-so cute too!

  4. I am fortunate enough to live in one of the more bike-friendly communities out there (Eugene, OR), but I definitely encounter my share of the crazies when I'm out on the bike. I think seeing a cyclist/pedestrian is a trigger for certain people to act up. Not surprisingly, their numbers increase after dark. At least you know you probably looked much cuter than any of them:)

    I really admire your ability to wear a skirt while biking. I've mastered most types of footwear, but can't really do the skirt without some sort of unfortunate incident occurring.

  5. Those boots just get better and better! ;-)

  6. I can't believed that you were honked at by drivers as you cycled, especially when you had both front and tail lights. Unbelieveable.




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