
Monday, February 02, 2009

Make Your Own Brooch Results

The responses to the January Recession Challenge left me in awe of my readers’ creativity.

Kayleigh got crafty with buttons and then had the genius idea to repurpose broken jewelry bits and pendants as brooches.

Cat made three lovely brooches with a vintage vibe.

Lisa pinned her self-made sunflower brooch to a string of beads.

Deborah Lee took the challenge a step further and only used items she already owned. Her wire brooch creations are truly modern art.

Riange Creations went bananas with the glue gun. She glued pins to the back of silk flowers, felt pieces, holiday decorations, and other random bits for a variety of brooches.

Ian was inspired by Marc Jacobs.

Emily suggests the following “zero-effort” brooch construction: “take a safety pin and hook a clip-on earring over it. Put the pin on the inside with the little
bar of the pin on the outside for the earring to hook onto. . .it's not permanent, and then you can still use them as earrings later.”

Finally, I made a “gothic cameo” brooch.

Don’t forget to wear your new creation!

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