
Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Turtleneck, Mossimo. Sweater, Body Central. Skirt, thrifted and shortened. Boots, Nine West. Necklace, Xhilaration. Ring, Rafia & Boss. Bag, World Market.

Smunch would just NOT leave me alone this morning. Usually, once I pick them up, squeeze them, and force them to be photographed, the cats flee. Not today. I guess Smunchy just wanted you all to see what HE wore today. (And we kind of matched.)

He also demanded some gratuitous photos of himself.

Smunch works that tongue. Paper bags are haute couture. Among his many talents, Smunch plays the ukulele.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    im really loving this outfit today -- both yours AND smunch's!
    i wish i knew how to do a simple yet effective hem -- it would make buying pants/skirts much easier if i had the option of making them look how i want them to!

  2. He's such a big boy! What a cutie. I wish I could pull off that mustard color. I tried on something mustardy this weekend, and still was like "um, not going to happen." Doesn't matter if it's next to my skin, or separated by a border of another color.

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I love this outfit!! That skirt is so fun. I agree with Stephanie N. about mustard yellow- it's a really fun, bold color that makes your outfit pop, and it looks great on you in this outfit, but sadly it's not right for my skin tone.

    Cute cat, by the way. Fun name, too!

  5. I like the outfits!! grey and yellow are good friends, you look so warm and beautfiul~

  6. I love this skirt and it looks so nice with the lovely mustered yellow top. -A

  7. Very nice outfit!

  8. I have a kitty who feels compelled to help me get dressed every day. I bet you also have to buy stock in lint rollers.

    I love the paper bag couture. I am sure all of the kittys will be wearing that next season.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The skirt is just fab. And you not only match your feline, but your wall art.

  10. K, I love this outfit! The length of the skirt is perfect, the mustard works wonderfully with the outfit, and you've done one of my favorite things in the world - long sleeve under short sleeve! I also adore the necklace. Thank your lucky stars you aren't on the west coast or that necklace would be missing very quickly!

  11. Great outfit...minus the mustard sweater though.

  12. Love the pic of Smunch in the bag :) Cool outfit!

  13. Can I just say that Smunch is the best cat name ever!!

    You both look adorable.

  14. Man, so many skirts I sent to Goodwill that I could just have shortened. Cutting off the mallards, even.

  15. Adorable kitty!

    Yes, you totally match your Klimt print. Love the mustard - one of my favourite yellows.

  16. Kasmira, I've been following your blog for almost a year now and this is the first time I've commented.

    I think this is absolutely one of the best combinations you've ever come up with. Yellow and grey is such a chic combo and I love the burgundy and brown accents. It's the perfect length necklace for the sweater and the whole ensemble fits so nicely. I love it!

  17. Cute cat photos! I love cats too!


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