
Monday, April 06, 2009

Clash of the Tartans

Hat, Nine West. Sweater, Tricot Joli. Dress, Bitten (shortened). Boots, White Mountain. Necklace, Dillards.

I’ve wanted to pair this necklace and dress together for ages, because the only thing better than one tartan is two.

Yes, I wore the hat, indoors, all day. No, headgear is not normally worn at my workplace. But it doesn’t violate any dress code.


  1. What a nifty necklace! I love the goofball poses.

  2. Love this outfit! I am really liking that sweater over the dress. I would have totally passed on that in a store, thinking it would drag me down, but now, I gotta find one! Love it! You always look so adorable.

  3. Headgear is actually no in our dress code at work (meant to keep people from wearing baseball caps to work), so I rarely wear any of my hats. And I hate having hat head for part of the day!

    You look just fab in this - a great look for you.

  4. I love the title of this blog entry!



  5. Anonymous11:54 AM

    What a fun, subtle way to mix plaids!

  6. I loved everything, especially the collar. The detail is incredible and the tie look is full of fashion seems to london! I loved

  7. ah! I have this dress and I haven't worn it even once. What a waste. I need to remember to wear it - and fast - before it gets too hot. Like how you've done it here!

  8. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Hey! I'm slightly new to your blog but will certainly keep on reading! Fantastic outfit, love it!

  9. nice!...cute necklace

  10. I loved your blog, your style, your clothes ... finally, ALWAYS BE HERE FOR ..

  11. I check your page daily to get new ideas. I think you are fabulous and your outfits are refreshing. Sometimes I think of offering you some of my accessories only so I can see how you use them in your outfit. The reason I am writing is because I want to tell you that you are awesome and because I have a request to make. When you take your pictures, there are so many little things in the background that are so amazing. I like that bay window and the colors you used. I like the little knickknacks that I see in your pics. I think your cats are the cutest. Where do you get your ideas for home décor and what are you most influenced by when it comes to home décor. Also, can you possibly share more photos of your home and garden....pleaseeeeeeee?

  12. No clash at all! --- You're SUPER-stylin', sister :)

  13. so cute! I like this outfit the best out of your recent ones (of course I'm bias because I love plaid) Not only is your dress plaid but the ribbon on your necklace as well. The bow is really a nice touch (I make jewelry and I abuse bows haha)

    Between this time you match your background so well, makes me think of holiday pictures :D

  14. I love the combination, and i want those necklace, it's so cute! ^__^

    I like your blog, would you wanna trade links with mine?

  15. Love this as usual - the pics are so clear and bight and as someone else's mentioned the backgrounds are fab!!


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