
Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Match a Room

Cardigan, Moda International. Tank, NY & Co. Jeans, To The Max. Necklace, Target. Pumps, Colin Stuart. Watch, Louis Arden. Martini glass, gift.

Here I am in Audi’s inspiration room, drinking a slightly dirty, vodka martini.

And, le sigh, back to real life and a glass that’s actually filled with water, not booze. (But I have a cold beer off camera.)

Jacket, Dex. Bag, No Boundaries.


  1. OMG, I'm losing for sure. Good Job!

  2. You had me going for a moment! That was hilarious and I love the outfit!


  3. I've been wondering what the time frame is in regards to when you wear the outfit and when you post it. Did you wear this outfit today (Friday May 1st) or earlier? Just curious!

  4. allison - the date at the top of the post is always the date I wore the outfit. Sometimes I actually get the posts up a day or two behind, but I "date" them accurately.

    So I wore this on Thursday. (The "casual Friday" tag is in reference to the casualness of this outfit. It wasn't a Friday.)

  5. S-H-A-R-P outfit!...the colors are SUPER. If (and that a might BIG "if") I were a woman, I'd love to dress just like you. Don't get me wrong...I'm just saying "IF I were...", NOT "I wish I was a woman"...not that there's anything wrong with being a woman...oh!...uhhh...I'll just stop it here :)

  6. LOL Kasmira, thank you, I am embarrassed to admit I have never paid attention to the date of the post (since I check the site pretty much every day). It all makes sense now.

    Thanks for clearing that up!

  7. I love both outfits! they look so cute!

  8. You made me "green" with envy that you are in the inspiration room!!
    Hum....why didnt I think of drinking a dirty martini? thats my mans favorite drink?

    This contest is fun..I am glad I got to participate also!( I like this color combo so much, I had two entries!)

  9. Okay, I know this is just for a contest, but I think it would be so cool if you did this more often! Like as one of your theme weeks or something. :D

  10. I am no expert, but I think that you should really try your talent once for real in commercial settings.

    Your heels seem to be off-ground a little bit on the inspiration-room picture.

    The chosen outfit complements the atmosphere of the room beautifully. Your posture is great as always.

    Bad posture can really kill an outfit. I have a tendency to slouch. Do you have a word of advice on good posturing?

  11. maria - yeah...I didn't take the time to figure out how to add a second drop shadow so that I appear more "grounded." Next time!

    For posture I recommend ballet. You'll walk and stand like a dancer for life.

  12. I absolutely LOVE that color scheme! The pink is amazing with those shades of green!

  13. I love the light pink tank. It works so well with your complexion and hair colour.



  14. I love that room!! I need one just like it! But besides that, I love your outfit and I love this blog!

  15. Amazing your so going to win now!!! :)

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Love this look! Colours are very well-matched!

  17. Looks great! Nice photo-shopping skills. Are those grey jeans new? They look so good on you.

    Navy64, you cracked me up.

  18. Stephanie N - this is the first time I've worn them. I got them at Wal*Mart and LOVE 'em!

  19. This is so funny, it really took me a while to realize that you photoshopped yourself into the inspiration room! So great and I love the outfit interpretation of it too!


  20. Fantastic -- I was so hoping someone would Photoshop themselves into the room! Well done indeed.

  21. i love this colour scheme. and did you make the necklace yourself? it's so gorgeous! simple yet eye-catching.

  22. myrubyslippers - the necklace is from Target. I only WISH I made it myself!


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