Tuesday, April 21, 2009

To The Max

Dress, To The Max. Peeptoes, Charles David. Necklace, Zad. Brass bangle, World Market. Beaded bracelet, Bitten. Charm bracelet, Just 2 Friends. Bag, Franco Sarto

I have a crush on Wal*Mart’s To The Max line. It started with the purchase of an airily knit cardigan with chiffon ruffled trim. Then, I found this simply genius jersey dress and the perfect gray jeans. (I have yet to wear the jeans because I don’t want to spoil their incredible awesomeness with an unworthy inaugural outfit.) My only complaint is that the sizing is inconsistent across the line and the degree difference between sizes also varies wildly. The sizing is so unpredictable that I would not purchase online. It’s a good thing the store is only a bike ride away from my house.


Jane said...

I love the cut and the colour of the dress. What is the fabric like?

Passion4Fashion said...

Cute dress! Walmart?

buggyknits said...

super cute!

Rosie Unknown said...

Beautiful! Love the necklace!

Tina said...

ooooohhh. I want want want that necklace, even though it would be virtually impossible for me to wear. You look fab!

Anonymous said...

looking lovely as always kasmira!

in the spirit of your recession challenge/working with your wardrobe, i have a theme of my own coming up that i wondered if you'd be interested in participating in? details here: http://ohhoneyno.wordpress.com/2009/04/21/theme-week-get-a-clue/

let me know! i think you'd rock the challenge ;)

Anonymous said...

that necklace is just To. Die. For.

Sheila said...

I love this outfit (I would totally wear this). The dress, the necklace, the shoes, the bangles. Fantastic!

YankeeClipper64 said...

I was also wondering about the material. The texture looks like it would make a nice shirt (for me of course:). FANTASTIC pairing with the necklace (and other accessories). This is REALLY a nice outfit. You've done it again!

The Village Idiot said...

Great shoes!!! Love how you accessorized!

Milly said...

pretty...love the accessories

Daer0n said...

The dress and the shoes are gorgeous!
Walmart has some really cute stuff sometimes, i want to go check out that line now :)

dmbdreamgirl08 said...

Love the dress. I too am really liking Wal-Mart's new line but thought it was just me that was having problems with the sizing.

Anonymous said...

Love it!! i was also surprised to see some Norma kamali items at Wal-Mart!! Tres chic mama!

eatinginbalance said...

I'm completely in love with that line, too. I've bought probably 12 pieces from it and I love them all.

Anne said...

Understated gorgeousness!


Anonymous said...

I am seriously COVETING that amazing necklace!

Unknown said...

CUTE!!!! great accessories!!!

myedit said...

That necklace is killer!

Stephanie N. said...

Remarkable necklace. Well, all of it, really.

Kasmira said...

The fabric is a fairly thin polyester jersey. It isn't the best...but doesn't show lumps like some jersies do. I wore a slip on the bottom half for minimal clingage. Jersey gets a bad rap, but I've found that it looks great with the proper foundation garments.

hypertigur said...

Love the outfit, ESPECIALLY the necklace! Makes me want to make one now hehe..

Honeybunches of Roses said...

wow, you have great legs. I think I will be stopping at Wal-mart soon.

Tira said...

Love it all...I agree with what u said concerning To The Mas sizing.

KP said...

Can I just say, I have been following this photo blog for about a year now and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE ALMOST WITHOUT EXCEPTION ALL THE OUTFITS YOU PUT TOGETHER!!! Sounds cheesy, but u r a fashion inspiration to me! :-)

estrella said...

I like the dress, but the accessories are awesome!

Elena said...

I love your outfits! But isn't it much having brown accessories and grey shoes with a navy dress? Not too many colors?

I am saying that because I've recently had my friends complain about one of my outfits - I wore navy dress with peach scarf and purse and light brown shoes/ Just wanted to know your opinion

jennifer said...

Gasp! Where did you get the necklace? It is FABULOUS.

Kasmira said...

Elena - umm....I have a pretty high mixed color tolerance. Today's color mix is pretty low key, in my opinion. Your outfit sounds just fine. I think you need at least three colors to keep it interesting.

jennifer - I bought it at Pangaea's store on Ludlow avenue in Clifton (Cincinnati, OH).

YankeeClipper64 said...

Thanks for the comprehensive fabric info, Kasmira. I really appreciate it.

Elise said...

That necklace is all sorts of fabulous!

MIC said...

I wanted to say thank you. I am a frumpy stay at home mom who's never lived out side of small town America (Texas no less) in desperate need of some style. I am clueless. These pictures really help me develop 'an eye' for what looks good. I came across your blog googling 'orange couch'. I also have Charlie Brown affection for that color. Plus I have bright orange hair so I'd better maintain some sort of healthy relationship with it.

Leanna said...

It's beyond high time for me to actually post a comment, after now having browsed your blog for several months. I LOVE your use of colour in general.
And as with everyone else I am I'm lusting after your necklace and amazed at your walmart find!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that's a gorgeous dress. And pretty pictures.

Love your blog.

Elena said...

Kasmira, thanks for sharing, your color theory is very refreshing

myrubyslippers said...

a simple pretty dress + awesome necklace = DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!!

Anonymous said...
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kct said...

Another great outfit! Once again I feel the dress accentuates you BEAUTIFUL legs! I also love the sort of `60's hippy feel to it.