
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Winn Dixie

Jacket, Forever 21 (embellished by me because I heart ball trim). Blouse, Merona. Skirt, Andre Oliver (thrifted and shortened). Peeptoes, Wild Diva. Bag, World Market. Headband, self-made. Earrings, No Boundaries. Bracelet, Pangaea.

I entitled this post “Winn Dixie” because I was going issue a plea for paper Winn Dixie grocery sacks to be used a play prop. Instead, we’re using Harris Teeter (and a coworker is shuttling them to Cincinnati), but thanks anyway! I know I can count on y’all next time I need some exotic props. (P.S. Come see Messiah on the Frigidaire. I watched a run-through on Tuesday and it is HILARIOUS.)

Jumping for joy because I have locale-appropriate grocery sacks on the way:

I think I may have dented the floor when I landed


  1. You look adorable today! I lust after that headband every time you wear it. I really need to make on for myself.

    Do you have any pics of the yellow shirt? I get the impression that it is a sweet little blouse and I would love to see the whole thing. Also - I'm totally thinking about stealing this look one day soon. Hope you are flattered rather than annoyed. :)

  2. Tina,

    I'm wearing the shirt with nothing over it here:

    I don't mind if you copy me! I copy others all the time.

  3. Love how you always choose bright colored shoes!

  4. I really like this outfit, esp. the yellow blouse and the blue shoes. Lovely!

  5. That looks great! I'm inspired to start making clothes with a more vibrant punch!

  6. Your skirt rocks!

  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Your headband looks sooo stylish!

  8. How lovely your hair accessory is!

  9. I really enjoy your fashion statements day after day! I am admittedly very unstylish so take my critique with a grain of salt.

    Your brightly colored shoes always sort of freak me out! I was stylish in the 80's so understand your love. Just think too many outfits are ruined in my opinion by your brightly colored 80's stylin' shoes! My hang up I know and have read other commenters adoring them :)

    My hang up but just my 2 cents.. Brightly colored shoes aside you dress divine my dear :)

  10. I don't care if I've said this before but I totally LOVE your headband and your cute poses. You're not only stylish but talented as well.

  11. Glad you liked the play. (I wrote it.) Wish I'd seen your blog sooner, I could have gotten you bags from some true southern traditions, even good old Piggly Wiggly. By the way, you are lovely, with a tremendous sense of style. I happened upon your blog when I Googled Messiah on the Frigidaire to check out what's being said about it. Hope the play goes well. If you need anything else let me know.


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