
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Blouse, Daytrip. Skirt, Side x Side, thrifted, shortened, embellished. Belt, Gap (thrifted). Pumps, Delicious. Earrings, Pangaea. Watch, Mudd.


  1. I like this look. It's not too fussy and it still pops. The top is gorgeous.

  2. *Love* that shirt! All the colors work really well together and make the shirt really stand out. I love how the bright yellow shoes are playing so nicely with the other colors :)

  3. Love the blouse. You pull off bright colours so well :)

  4. glad i'm not the only one wearing yellow shoes.
    nice outfit

  5. Today it looks like it wouldn't melt in your mouth, but if anyone was to look at your (fantastic!) crazy pictures they might get other ideas.

  6. So pretty! I love the ruffles with the belt, and your yellow shoes never fail to make me smile.

  7. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I have that exact same blouse but in mustard. I got mine from Ross For Less for like $8 bucks. Great outfit - I love all the colors! Everything just pops!

  8. Hi there! Just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know that I love your style! You take some really fun risks and it always seems to work! Love it.

  9. do you want to trade links?
    ps. this is really really cute

  10. That skirt is awesome!
    It goes perfect with that lovely blouse! :-)

  11. These COLORS and PATTERNS are SUPERB!!! I'm all about the colors & patterns Kasmira and THIS one is a visual delight on BOTH! Bravo!

  12. I'm having such a ball scroling through your blog! You and your outfits are just darling!

  13. You so pretty and sexy at the same time in that outfit. The blouse and skirt, along with the wide belt, go together very well.

    As I have said before, your husband is a VERY Lucky man to have a wife who is so beautiful and such as great dresser.

    I sincerely hope that I do not go too far in saying this, but honestly, if you were my wife, and you can home dressed like that, we would spend the rest of the evening in the bedroom.


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