
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Morning Blue

Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, G.J. Forbes (thrifted and shortened). Bracelet, Target. Earrings, Meijer. Peeptoes, Charles David. Belt, thrifted.

I was tempted to post only little pictures today because the morning light on my face is much too harsh. I Photoshopped the hell out of it before I got a result that doesn’t frighten small children. Next time, I'll just save myself the trouble and wear huge sunglasses.

The early sunlight does pick out the colors and patterns of my outfit nicely, though.

The detail picture of the shoes is an old shot, taken under different lighting, hence the slight color difference


  1. Those shoes are gorgeous and I love that you've worn blue and yellow together, it's one of my favourite colour combinations.

  2. I adore this favourite so far, I do believe. And without a doubt something I would wear happily.

  3. What a fun belt! Definitely an unexpected little touch.

  4. I don't know what you mean, your face looks just fine :) No frightened small children here!

    I love this outfit, it's so pretty! That blouse and the skirt are both such flattering items and I love all the shades of blue together! S.

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Love the neckline on that blouse.

  6. Love the shoes!!!!

    And as usual, your face looks like sunshine, no matter what the weather is!

  7. those shoes are gorgeous! i've been looking for a pair of blue shoes lately but so far have been unsuccessful in finding anything i really like.

  8. Great shoes & skirt!

  9. The blouse is beautiful, and that belt is so subtley sweet. I really think blue is a great color compliment to your hair color.

  10. Absolutely love the shoes! Blue looks fantastic on you!

  11. different shades of blue. lovely. can I copy this look? You always manage to put together fabulous outfits. and i love that quaint belt of yours.

  12. That is such an unusual belt. It looks very thirties in style. It fits the skirt perfectly and really gives the outfit some edge.

  13. myrubyslippers - copy away! Imitation is flattery.

  14. Lovely outfit. The belt is just too cute!


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