
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time On My Hands

Dress, Blu Heaven. Hat, Betmar. Owl pendant, Trader’s World. Flipflops, SB. Earrings, No Boundaries.

I arrived at the excerpts location super early, so I took the opportunity to try out my gorilla pod and mess around with my camera.


  1. You look really sharp.

  2. Your hat is so cute! And love the owl.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    That dress looks very good with your new look.
    I've been meaning to ask, do you feel that your new haircut influences in some way the color combinations you make?

  4. Your dress is beautiful. I've been sort of a lurker for about six months but I now have my own blog and can finally tell you how much I admire your sense of style and how you inspire me to stop just wearing sweats to the library every day haha.
    Keep up the amazing work!

  5. LOVE the dress! It's a great look on you, especially with the new hair :-)

  6. Great pendant! I have a similar one in silver.

  7. The details on the back of your dress look fantastic!

  8. Any idea where I could get an owl necklace like that? I'm in love with it!

  9. The details on the back of that dress are beautiful!

  10. The dress is beautiful! I love that pendant. My grandmother somehow had two of that exact pendant in the late 70s. Now, one goes on the Christmas tree and the other I wear!

  11. julibean19 - try a trend shop, like Forever 21 or H&M. Owl pendants became popular again about a year ago and many of the cheap and chic chains carried variations. If you're looking for vintage, try thrift shops, flea markets, or ebay. I found mine for 50 cents at a flea market.

  12. Where did you get your SB sandals? LOVE them!

  13. Um, I'm loving the back of this dress --it looks so sharp with your hair, too!

    Now I have to ask myself, do I REALLY want to keep my hair long? I love short hair, especially on a heart-shaped face.

  14. What a classy but fun look for being out and about! I bought a fedora today because I love yours so much. That owl pendant is awesome.

  15. CindyinSC - I got them at Sears, but I haven't seen them online...only in stores.


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