
Friday, July 31, 2009

Experiment No. 589

The Red Hat Society Experiments continue. The experiments are my attempts to wear red and purple together without looking like a Red Hatter. This is my third try.

Jacket, Charlotte Russe (overdyed). Black tank, Kimchi and Blue. Purple tank, Charlotte Russe. Jeans, Express (overdyed). Pumps, Gianni Bini. Bangles, ring, and sunnies, Girl Props. Scarf, flea market.

Lots of Girl Props goodies here: the sunglasses, owl ring, and two studded bangles

Is today’s experiment a cop-out? I’ll admit, this red and purple combo is much more subtle than what I’ve attempted in the past.

Experiment No. 587 was a bit dodgy.
Experiment No. 588 was terribly matchy matchy.
Experiment No. 590 involves those purple crochet tights (again) so I’ll have to wait for cooler weather to conduct it. (Yes, I have the next experiment planned. After all, I DID major in science.)

Not only does this outfit have scientific value, but it also has potential as a day-to-night outfit. Remove the jacket and scarf and I’m ready for happy hour cocktails.

Alas, I have no exciting Friday night plans. I’ll be at home patting my cats and trying out the “I Hate to Exercise, I Love to Tap” DVD from Netflix.

Of course, I didn’t really wear this to do my video. The outfit isn’t good for dancing and taps are no good for hardwood floors. If you want to see what I actually wore to brush up on my tap skills…click. (I don’t want to inflict the internet at large with photos of myself in a leotard.)


  1. I find red, purple and yellow a great combination.
    Your outfit looks great.

  2. I have that video! It is so fun, and easy to learn. I found you when I did a search for a haircut, and I just love your blog. You are a doll. Keep up the inspiration. Love the bun how to's also.

  3. When you say the jeans are overdyed, did they come that way or did you add extra darkness to them? If the latter, I am curious about your methods. I have some jeans that I love the fit of, but not the faded blue. Thanks!!

  4. Definitely awesome! red and purple is a colour combination I like to dabble in, and I think the jey is either be subtle, or wear funky youthful clothing.

  5. April - they started out dark, but faded, so I redyed them to a dark color. I did a post on my methods:

  6. I liked your second attempt at purple and red, but I gotta say..the third time's the charm!!!

  7. I really like these red/purple experiments of yours. I've always liked using the color combo in my garden and in my quilts.
    Now you've shown me ways to carry it over into my outfits.

  8. This is great. I also love the matchy matchy ensemble.

  9. Cool. I clicked to see your workout attire. You are very brave and toned.:) I too posted my workout duds on my blog and only wish I had guns like yours, working on it though. The red & purple attempts are well done! You always inspire me with your unique and fashionable style.

  10. You know I am a fan of workout pics, so of course I clicked through. After seeing your pics, I think it is safe to say that you are keeping me motivated to keep working out!

  11. oooohhh its so subtle and pretty.

  12. I think you are in FABulous shape!!!

  13. Cool sun glasses! And I like the outfit too.

  14. I like this red/purple outfit the best. I clicked to see your workout outfit, and the shorts you are wearing are what I have been searching for all summer!! Are they separate from the rest of the leotard, or attached? If they are in fact separate shorts, can you please let me know where you bought them?!

  15. Hi Nicole - I bought them from Discount Dance ( They have a large selection of "booty shorts."


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