
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Gone Awry

Cardi, Moda International. Blouse, Bebe. Cami, NY & Co. Skirt, G.J. Forbes (thrifted and shortened). Pumps, Delicious. Clutch, Apt 9. Earrings, Target. Watch, Verner (swap).

Today is my last day of work before the 4th of July holiday. I planned to wear a red, white, and blue tribute to our nation’s independence day, but swapped out accessories at the last minute for a color scheme a little less patriotic. I exchanged a gold watch and navy beaded bracelet for a watch with a multi-colored, striped band. I replaced vintage earrings with red stones for a green resin pair. And I added a yellow clutch to my navy tote.

My eyes also stubbornly refused to adhere to a red, white, and blue color scheme. My state identification lists them as blue, but, today, they were determinedly green.


  1. Oh, my goodness. I can only guess you accomplished that Tim Burton-style close-up with photoshop? I am so impressed. And have I told you lately how much I love the fact that you aren't afraid to be a total goofball on your blog?

  2. It's a webcam photo....the software allows you do to some funky things with your features!

  3. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I love the picture to funny, the pop of red is so fabulous!!!

  4. That's amazing! You are too pretty to EVER resemble Gollum- except in this picture. It was quite a surprise! Cute earrings!

  5. Good thing you wore those big sunglasses to cover up your giant eyes... ;-)

  6. Oh my, what big eyes you've got!

  7. ha ha! I can't even comment on the outfit, I'm so overwhelmed by the gorgeous pic of you!

  8. You're so funny.

    I love the earrings and the pops of red.

  9. The better to see all of us out here in blog land??????

    Thanks for the laugh!!

  10. I love that the outfit has a slight patriotic feel without being too overboard. Beautiful clutch!

  11. Oh! It's so creepy. It's even creepier when they do it to pets. But I love the outfit :)

  12. How funny. Not what I expected! 'love the color combinations in the outfit.

  13. the last photo is so cute and fun...haha


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