
Monday, August 03, 2009


I’ll admit that I’m a big of a magpie. If it’s shiny, I want it. Lemondrop recently listed sequins as a no-no for the office, but studs are okay, right?

Dress, London Times. Belt, swap. Vest, Urban Vibe. Flats, Nine West.

These are the cheesiest studs ever. They are actually just silvery, slightly raised bits of plastic glued to the vest. In fact, they ARE an awful lot like sequins. Like any glued-on embellishment, I’m expecting them to start falling off at any moment. When they do, I’ll snatch them up and glue them on again. Because I like my shiny bits.


  1. That vest would be really cute with a belt over it, preferably a studded belt.

  2. i love that vest.. its so pretty.. love ur hair

  3. That vest is so beautiful...and really no sequins for the office? I'm so sad, I was so looking for a beaded or sequins type skirt! Ugh!

  4. Love this outfit, and that vest is super fun. I think whether or not studs (or sequins) are good for work really depends on the environment and what you pair them with. I think for most modern workplaces, this outfit is just fine.

  5. I love it - I say wear it with flare!

  6. I think Ive worn sequins in the office....

  7. I love sequins in the office! You should do a pollcode :)

  8. I agree -- sequins at the office is FAB! And it makes me happy :)
    LOVE the vest, Kasmira


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