
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My Baby Has No Eyes

On Wednesdays, I’ve been heading straight from work to Romeo and Juliet rehearsals*. We rehearse in a portion of the Cincinnati Horticultural Society’s warehouse and there is no air conditioning. I choose outfits that allow for plenty of air circulation.

Dress, Moth. Shirt, NY & Co. Bracelets, Body Central. Shoes, Van Eli (thrifted). Earrings, Pangaea.

On the way to rehearsal, I saw this sign, calling for actors for a play called “My Baby Has No Eyes.” And here I thought Romeo and Juliet was depressing. I am intrigued, though. (If you want to audition**, the sign says to call 731-1131.)

*I’m Lady Capulet and the Apothecary.
**I am in no way affiliated with the My Baby Has No Eyes production.


  1. I love the details on those shoes. Do you find in fall/winter you wear more muted colors in shoes? I am trying to decide how to keep bright sunny colors in the colder months without looking ridiculous and wonder if I could do so with green or plaid shoes or if these are better left for spring and summer. :) Your dress is gorgeous by the way.

  2. I do tend to wear less of the colored shoes in the winter...but I think much of that is due to the fact that I wear boots (gray, brown, and black) for most of the cooler season.

    Many of my bright colored shoes have peeptoes. I'll wear them with tights in the fall, but the winter is too cold for that most of the time.

  3. I really love your dress, and that's so cool that you're getting to act in Romeo and Juliet.

  4. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Such a vibrant color combo.

  5. I discovered this summer, finally, that wearing a skirt goes a long way to help keep cool. Took me long enough.

  6. I love the outfit, and I love Romeo and Juliet!

  7. Love the color combo and the layering of this outfit! Super cute!

  8. I love the bracelets.

  9. I adore this dress! I love how you wore it layered, but the dress is gorgeous in and of itself.

  10. Thanks for your reply. Yeah I have tended to end up in brown or black boots as well. I have bought a really awesome pair of gold boots for winter this year, I wonder if they will be too outlandish. :)

  11. beautiful dress!

  12. What a fun dress! The color combo is great.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Lady Capulet and Apothecary!

    These two are quite differnt characters. You must be a good actress(actor for the Apothecary?) to take two extremely different characters, which involves much different tones in dialogue and action.


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