
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I share my birthday month with many readers and bloggers and the United States Marine Corps. Today is the Corps’ 234th birthday. I’m going to do 234 pushups in honor of the occasion:

Actually, I kind of suck at pushups. I can do about 10. But animated Kasmira can do an infinite number.

To celebrate the anniversary, I’m wearing my 100% genuine USMC uniform skirt with absolutely non-regulation lace tacked to the hem. I also planned the color palette in honor of the Corps. I’m wearing the olive, khaki, and black of the (old) camouflage utilities and the red of the dress pants’ blood stripe.

Sweater, vintage. Tank, Body Central. Skirt, USMC service uniform. Tights, Danskin. Peeptoes, BCBGeneration.

Happy Birthday, Marines!

Zoro is eating a bug in this photo, but he says “Happy Birthday” too.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Oh this is AWESOME!!! You look amazing and I love the pop of red. Happy Birthday Marine Corp!

  2. You look absolutely stunning, absolutely wonderfully glamorous! Happy Birthday Marine Corps :-)

  3. Happy birthday Marine Corps!

    You look gorgeous celebrating the occasion.

  4. Oh, I'm envious of the fur/faux you've got going on here. Very nice with the red shoes.


  5. Love it! And the shoes are hot! :)

  6. You are so funny! The pushup clip is awesome. I always love this skirt! You look fabulous, as usual.

  7. Love it!!! I love the vintage look of it! Happy birthday Marine Corps!!

  8. cute! I love olive green and red together.

  9. ahh, THATS what branch you were in! Semper Fi! my husband was in the Marines!

  10. Hi Kasmira, This is super hot. Very Pinup. Makes me want to listen to 'Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy' and have pin curls!

  11. What a great way to mark Veteran's Day. I love that you reused the skirt and added the lace. It looks great, and I was so surprised when I first read that it was part of your Marines uniform. Love the animated Kasmira doing pushups!!

  12. You look very classy and sexy! The skirt and hose make your legs look really sexy! Wonderful outfit! Happy Birthday Marine Corp!

  13. Happy birthday - you look lovely!

    Shoes are fabulous! :)

    Enter my fashion giveaway to win a custom made dress:

  14. Very smart and stylish outfit! :)

  15. Very cute! I love the vintage vibe and how you re-invented your skirt by adding that lace trim.

  16. This is what I call a tribute. Super cute

  17. Great outfit - love the red shoes (and Zoro). Nice push-ups!

  18. Love the inspiration-my brother was in the Marines! I also featured this outfit in my recent blogpost with my top 5 fashion blogger outfits from the past week-hope you don't mind!

  19. Happy belated birthday? (or not happened yet?) I saw this on Becky's blog and said OMG I love love love that I almost exactly copied you and didn't know it. I am not surprised I have been copying you for years at this point! Now I can do it unconsciously!

  20. Oh geez, I guess I'm a little behind on my commenting -- happy belated birthday!

  21. my husband's in the marines what did you do to your dress blues??

  22. L.Higgin - the only part of my dress blue's I've reused is the black skirt. I wear it as is.

  23. How did I ever miss seeing these utterly FABULOUS shoes!?!?!?!? I need them ASAP.


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