
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not Too Cold

It snowed here in Cinci. It’s nothing like the east coast’s dump, but has prettified the landscape nonetheless. Despite the snow coating, it isn’t too cold for miniskirts. (At least, not when paired with sweater-like tights.)

Cardi, I Heart Ronson. Sweater, Body Central. Turtleneck, Cherokee. Skirt, London Jean. Tights, Macy’s. Boots, TJ Maxx. Scarf, Images (gift). Hat, Stray Dog.

In fact, this outfit was so appropriate for the conditions that I slept in it and wore it the next day, too.


  1. Hurray for mini skirts and snow! As long as you wear leggings/thick tights, it is just as warm as jeans/pants/longer skirts.

  2. I love the yellow and the purple. Also, your boots! Excellent!


  3. The yellow brightens up the outfit. Your hair seems to be getting better every day. What are you doing?

  4. TSFOML - I'm growing it out....but with intentional dark roots.

  5. Sweet! I thought I was the only one that sleeps in cozy outfits and wears it the next day. Isn't it delish? Especially over the weekends. Love your blog!

  6. One of these days I'll get me some sweater tights.
    I love all the yellow in this outfit.

  7. Galoshes are the coolest! :) I can't till I get to order my red ones here in a month


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