
Friday, December 11, 2009


Kittens are cute, but they smell really bad. I managed to transfer some of that stink to my hair this morning and then had to clip it back to keep the smelly strands from my nose.

Jacket, SO (thrifted). Sweater, Body Central. Skirt, Willi Smith (thrifted and altered). Doily necklace, self-made. Boots, Nine West. Owl brooch, vintage. Hair clip, 100 Yen Store.

Cute, but stinky:

That’s Roy in the first picture. In the second picture, Roy is on the left and Walt is on the right.

I do not recommend putting a clothespin on your nose, no matter how stinky your kittens may be. It hurts.


  1. KITTENS!!!!! I want =(

    Love the jacket and skirt together, and that owl pin is awesome. It looks SO similar to one my great grandma gave me. I'll have to post a pic for you to see, they're almost identical!

  2. Why are the kittens stinky? I started bathing mine when they were that size. Not like every day but every few months. Now they love water, which not all cats do.

  3. Hmmmm....why are they stinky? My theories:

    1. They play in the litter box.
    2. They don't clean themselves well, yet.
    3. They have gas due to the change in diet. (We got them on Sun, and changed their food.)
    4. They have parasites that are giving them stinky poo and gas. (Their first vet visit is on Mon.)

    They only stink sometimes, so I don't know if a bath would do anything that a little time wouldn't do. But bathing them could be fun!

  4. Stinky, maybe. Adorable and cuddly, definitely!

  5. Hahaha I haven't commented in a while but just had to after those photos. You are hilarious.

    I am not a cat person, but who doesn't LOVE baby animals. They are adorable :)

  6. I love the slight difference in the colour of the jacket and the colour of the skirt!

  7. I like the texture of your jacket!

  8. I think it's just gas from the diet change - kittens should smell like yummy little babies! Love reading your blog and seeing what you are wearing every day. I'm trying to put more effort in, KWIM?

  9. mah goodness they are KYOOOOOOOOT.

  10. I just love that olive/mustard/brown color combo. And I'm really glad I can admire your adorable kittens without having to smell them.

  11. Look at those blue eyes! I'd forgive all the smells just looking into those!

    Love your suit!

  12. What gorgeous kittens!

    I love your blog, I'm reading all your old entries.

  13. I love your hair this length and the suit is fab.

  14. These photos are too cute! I have really fair skin and bright blond hair like you, and I'm finding that browns/mustards work much better than just black anymore. I love black, but sometimes it's really harsh against my skin. In photos I look like a ghost! But browns soften things a bit more.

    Great outfit, as always!

  15. I miss the 100 Yen Store!!!

  16. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Great outfit! Of course I'm partial because I LOVE earth tones. ;D

    I hope the kitties' stinkiness is just a temporary situation. They are adorable but stinky kitties can be quite challenging. ;D

  17. they already grew so much!!!!! cute!

  18. Its been so long since mine were kittens I forgot about the adjusting the food digestive issues. I don't envy you that. But yes, bathing is sooo much fun! Take pictures when you do, pretty pls. :)

  19. Love the outfit! The kittens are just absolutely adorable.


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