Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trivia Animal

I had only one reason to put on real clothes today: Last Call Trivia at Champions. Soon enough, I’ll be back at work and donning something blog-worthy ever day. Until then, I’m afraid you’re stuck with my wacky casual wear.

Hat, Vintage. Sweater, Apt 9 (thrifted). Muppet scarf, WalMart. Turtleneck, Cherokee. Dress, Blu Heaven. Leggings, Target. Boots, Diba.

I had to swap my hat for a feathered headband before heading out. The hat needs some repairs. I’m molting!

I couldn’t remember where I got this scarf, so I flipped back to the last time I remember wearing it on my blog to view the source information. This entry is from October 2006:


Anonymous said...

I don't think I've seen a post where you wear glasses before ... they really suit you!

Rosie Unknown said...

I love your tights!

Michelle @ Dream Home DIY said...

That scarf looks so yummy and warm!!

Kathryn from Schoolmarm Style said...

That sweater looks so warm and cozy. Did you wear the glasses to trivia night just to psyched out the competition with your amazing braininess?

Sheila said...

Good luck in the trivia!

Wow, how your look has changed in the last 3 years! It's been gradual over that span, but to see the pictures together is amazing.

Love the tights. Want the tights!

Unknown said...

alway love your looks and creativity!
i have a newbie blogger question: do u back up all your blogs and how? i notice u have been blogging for awhile and have a huge fan base. did it come over time? or did u "advertise" :) i love to pick the brains of my favs! thanx! retro reva

Marie said...

Muppet scarf is the perfect description- those are warm and snuggly. Love the tights.
Happy New Year,
Marie @ Lemondrop Vintage

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

Wishing you love, luck, health, wealth and happiness in 2010.

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

Very cute!


Raquelita said...

Oh! Those tights are awesome!

Miss K said...

Hi there!
I followed wardrobe remix pretty closely about three years ago and remember really enjoying your look. I checked it back out again today for the first time since then and almost didn't recognize the blonde you! I'm so happy that you are still doing this...you are an inspiration!

Vanessa said...

That scarf looks so cozy!