
Friday, January 01, 2010

Cold and Dark

The new year started out very cold. I don’t know how Alaskan blogger Delightfully Tacky can bear to take her photo outdoors in January! I could barely take 22 degrees for just a few minutes.

Checkered tunic, Wet Seal. Green dress, Lani. Boots, Diba. Belt, Dillard’s, I think. Earrings, Pangaea. Sunnies, Girl Props. Lace gloves, Cappel’s.

I complain, but I’d take my picture outdoors all year long if I had the sunshine. It’s the dark, not the cold, that forces me to photograph my outfits indoors during the winter. By March, it should be light again when I get home from work.


  1. Your outfit looks so great with this back drop!

    And it looks great in general, the belt is amazing!

  2. Great layering! Love the green of the dress

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Shirt dresses are quickly becoming one of my wardrobe staples because they're such cute, versatile layering pieces. You look smashing in yours! Keep up the amazing outfits :)

  4. Beautiful use of plaid! That print could overwhelm, but you work it so awesome!


  5. So cute!!! I love the layering!

  6. Haha, perhaps it's just an acquired de-sensitivity to cold...

    Loving the plaid!

  7. Anything below 68 degrees F is too cold for me!

  8. What I like the most about your blog is the happy feeling I get after looking at your photos. It's the way you smile and your poses.Keep going .I might also try the dress shirt idea over another dress. Have fun the rest of the day

  9. I love this tunic!


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