
Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I SO have a thing for fringe and its relative, the tassel. While tassels can be pricey, a length of fringe trim from the fabric store is quite inexpensive. The makings of this fringe bracelet were surely less than a dollar.

Shrug, Express (swap). Dress, Melton. Slip, thrifted. Dupati scarf, importer. Black tights, Danskin. Gray lace tights, Apostrophe. Boots, White Mountain. Fringe bracelet, self-made.

Please excuse the giant hand. I’m coming to get you, Ba-ba-ra!

Today’s black lace element is a bit subtler. As a consolation, you get gray lace, too.


  1. Hee! I love the "Night of the Living Dead" reference.

    When I was 20, I sewed a hem of fringe on a cropped jacket. I love the swinginess!

  2. Wow lovely tights!

  3. You always look so chic and well put together. Do your colleagues love seeing what you'll wear to work?

  4. I love this outfit. It is subdued but detailed too. All the fring and lace and needle work makes it special. Very nice, Kasmira!

  5. love the lacey fringy scarf with the floral skirt. it matches up so well! you always give me ideas!

  6. Anonymous4:28 AM

    This really freaked me out, as my name is Barbara!

    I love the combination of two varieties of tights, you inspired me to try this myself.
    Your hair looks nice today, and the pink lipstick adds a nice splash of colour to the outfit!
    Very nice!

  7. I love the tight combos. Does it ever get TOO hot throughout the day?

  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    How fun! I imagine I'd be dipping a fringe bracelet in my food or getting it caught in stuff CONSTANTLY. But I made a chain tassel bracelet that I'm less afraid of damaging.

  9. Hi! I check your blog almost daily for fashion inspiration but usually never leave comments. It's not because I don't think you deserve's mostly just because I'm lazy :). Anyway, I was just reading some controversy over reader comments on fashion blogs and I just wanted to say that I think your blog is a breath of fresh air. You always have funny things to say and I look forward to days when you include your kitties in the post! (I am a total cat lady and completely believe I was a cat in my past life.) I don't think I really have a point...I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog and keep up the good work! :)

  10. Faux Fuchsia - I do get a number of comments from my coworkers about how they look forward to seeing what I wear each day. I get plenty of stares and a few whispers, too, but I just ignore those. :)

    Cherish @ My Cup of Tea - I've never been too warm from the doubled tights. I guess if it DID happen, I could remove a pair.

    Sal - yes, I discovered that a fringe bracelet is a bit unsanitary. Next up, a fringe necklace.

    leah - thanks! Your comment itself is a breath of fresh air! I've been reading the debates too, but just have stayed out of them.

  11. I love this diy bracelet!

  12. ooohhhh!! this is simply fantastic!!


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