
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ask the Muchacho: A Call for Questions

Ever have a question about WIW2D but didn’t think Kasmira would give you a straight answer? Now is your chance to get the inside scoop from the Beefy Muchacho (aka Kasmira’s boyfriend).

Want to know how much time it takes Kasmira to get dressed? Wonder if she actually wears those kooky outfits to work? How many cats does she have? Is she honestly reporting her monthly spending? Do people stare when they go out? Is that her real butt?

Leave your question in the comments and the Muchacho will reveal all in an upcoming post.


  1. How long will it take Kasmira and her boyfriend to visit her favorite sister and freakin' adorable niece and nephew? Why do we have to learn about major life happenings through her blog instead of a phone call?

  2. Your blog is hilarious! How did you two meet? Where are more pictures of Walt and Roy (yes, I miss kitten pictures)? Do you enjoy fashion?

  3. Beefy Muchacho (is that a difficult name to fit on your driver's license?), I read Kasmira's blog every day (but this is my first comment!) and I love it!

    Question: does she ever criticize your outfit choices and try to push her fashion agenda just a little too much?

  4. If you had a night free to hit downtown Cincy, what would be your must-dos or must-visits?

  5. Beefy One:
    I got a few q's for you muchacho...

    -Is there an OUTFIT of Kasmira's that you would REFUSE to go out with her if she wore ?
    - When is she dying her hair again ?
    - Has she tried to change your style preferences ?
    Maybe wants you to wear skinny jeans ?

  6. How long DOES it take for her to get dressed in the morning? Does she ever ask you for opinions on an outfit?

  7. I want to know about her personal life. Yes, I'm that girl. Totally inappropriate and intrusive. Tell us the story of how you two met!


  8. OK, here's my question: Does she ever say "I'll just be a minute," when you're on your way out (to dinner, say) and then she changes parts of her outfit 3 or 4 or 17 times and starts messing with her make up and you get majorly (word I made up) annoyed, even if you appreciate her amusing and artistic outfits? Do you ever just tell her to "throw on a tee shirt because nobody cares what she is wearing anyway? (If I sound as if I am projecting from my own life, well, maybe I am...)

  9. What did she wear today?!?

  10. Do people at work ever say anything negative or critical about Kasmira's outfits? How does Kasmira feel her style impacts how she is perceived professionally? Does she feel she is always taken seriously at work?

    (And like the above posters, I would also love to know how you met).

  11. Are her closets really as organized as when she posted the video tour a while back?

    How much time does it take her to choose her outfits?

  12. Oh Beefy One:

    What is Kasmira's favorite junk food?
    What is your favorite outfit of hers and why?

  13. Isn't she married? If so are you her extra special boyfriend?

  14. Hey Beefy -

    Does Kasmira put on her weekly fashion shows for you?

    Does she have funky fashionista "intimate wear" too? LOL! (kasmira - you know I had to ask...!)

    You take really good photos - have you always liked photography or only became interested when you hooked up with this lovely lady to pose for you?

  15. Is Kasmira as "put together" as she seems? AS in, working,acting,blogging,a perfectly clean house,Gaming,kitty care,and so on! She seems like Wonder Woman! I can barely get 1/100th of those things done. Tell me her "Human -Side" ! I feel so inept as I tell my hubs what she is doing each week! He reminds me , "Honey, You're SPECIAL", but not in a good way!

  16. Is Kasmira a vegetarian? Just wondering how much tofu one must eat in order to warrant the Tofu Muchacha nickname. Are you into tofu as well...or are we cooking separate meals? that her real butt?

  17. Kasmira's home looks perfect. How does she keep all those lovely clothes put in their tidy little places on a daily basis? Or.. does she really have piles of tried on clothes around and cleans up for photos?


  18. Do you prefer her as a blonde, brunette or with red hair? Short or long?

    Now that you're going out w/ her, do you find it hard to keep up (fashion wise)?

    How does she stay in great shape? Any tips, secrets?

    Is she funny, does she tell jokes?

    Thanks, I'm just being curious! Lol.

  19. Boyfriend? Does this mean that one day we will be able to see another wedding dress on her?

  20. Do you ever wish Kasmira dressed differently? I ask because I love to dress up, but I have a boyfriend who by FAR prefers when I wear jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers. I was wondering if other guys wish their girlfriends were more casual when it comes to clothing.

  21. Vanessa - My hubby is the exact opposite. Don't get me wrong...he likes me in jeans etc. but he also loves me to look more feminine in skirts and dresses. I guess it just depends on the occasion or the mood really. :) (I moved from the UK to America last October and I really noticed the difference here with "dress code." Jeans etc. seem to be pretty much the national "uniform" here whereas in the UK skirts/dresses were as much if not more normal.)

  22. Hello Mr Beefy

    Do you rue the amount of time spent blogging? Or do you have happy side by side laptop times?

    How long does Kasmira spend on deciding what to wear?

  23. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Are your tastes in women's clothing different from Kasmira's?(Not that you wear women's clothing.) My husband prefers very conservative clothing and he would like to see me in shorter skirts and low cut blouses. I refrain from telling him what to wear, so why should I wear what he likes? Are you ever embarrassed by Kasmira's clothing choices?

  24. With so many felines in the house, doesn't cat hair get on the clothes?

    What's her best method of ridding outfits of the cat hair?

  25. Hey Everybody-

    When Kasmira (aka Tofu Muchacha) asked me if I wanted to do this I wasn't expecting this many questions.

    This is completely awesome!

    Because Kasmira tries to avoid long posts (if you've read my blog, you know I have no such issue), she's asked me to answer your questions in installments. The first one shall be on Sunday.

    Until Then!

  26. what is kasmira's ehtnic background? (her name and her sister ping's name always make me wonder)

    do you get enough time with each other considering all kasmira is involved in?


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