
Thursday, March 11, 2010


I suppose these muddy colors are better suited for fall than spring, but March has been pretty soggy so far, so maybe they’re appropriate after all. The snow is almost melted and my backyard is a quagmire. Next up: four days of rain!

Dress, London Times (handed-down and shortened). Sweater, Body Central. Vest, Forever 21. Boots, Nine West. Earrings, self-made.

I’m singing a soggy spring song with my ukulele. (Ok, not really. I can’t play the thing at all.)

The first try at this ensemble did not include the vest. However, as mentioned before, I have a hard time wearing mustard yellow with my blond hair. I become a yellow blob. The olive vest saved the outfit.


  1. I have never liked the "rule" that you have to dress in the colours associated with the season - says who? Why can't you wear mustard in spring, and pastels in fall? Silly.

    I love that vest. And you can just pass all the mustard my way, please. :)

  2. i just arrived back in the city to see the most beautiful rainbow coming down the cut-in-the-hill! i grabbed my cammy , ditched off the highway to find the bow had disappeared ! and gray had taken it's place. but, i swear, it was there ! I really like the way you know what works with your hair color , features , etc. You Always look smashing ! I "think" something looks great , then after a few photos I think "why didn't someone tell me!" anyhoo, the leopard with the zebra looks great on you ! Having the black collar popping out does the trick ! Thanks once again for your inspiration, you never cease to create cool outfits !

  3. The vest really adds that little extra something. Gives the whole outfit a depth.

  4. Hi! I like your blog -- and I can completely relate to your profile summary :) Your ensembles are most creative!!

    Love the ukulele!!

  5. ok i can not find the Madden Girl shabotties online anywhere and i thought you wrote about them somewhere and said you bought them at DSW. not on their site either. am i dreamin bc now i can't find that post??

  6. I love the vest! And you were right, that model is totally my twin. My husband saw her and was like, "Whoa, that's you! But with a more square jaw." Ha! That's why I'm not a real model. :)

  7. Your waistcoat is gorgeous. I think if it was mine I'd never take it off.

  8. DaShannon - boo! I got the Madden Girl Skout shabooties at TJ Maxx. Some locations might still have some! I don't see them online, either. How frustrating. Maybe this style never made it to mainstream stores or was made for TJ Maxx?

  9. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I've been gravitating toward warm tones this spring, too! Love how this mix of layers came together.

  10. Anonymous10:29 AM

    that is a killer vest!

    I feel like my efforts at spring color tend to look a little autumnal as well ... but then again, I prefer those colors on me, so they're a significant part of my wardrobe. Hard to escape! :-)

  11. And now I have "Dueling Banjos" stuck in my head...

    I love how you use your vests and waistcoats - total inspiration for me!

    Erin, The Cheap Chick

  12. I love that vest! And I'm with you on sticking with earth tones even in spring; pastels look terrible with my pale complexion.

  13. I was just thinking that the color brown represents early spring better than any other color. Dirt and mud are everywhere! At least in NJ. It smells like dirt, there is mud from the rain and melted snow, the trees are all still bare. Your outfit fits this season perfectly!

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Pick a song and learn that uke! It's so easy, it's criminal.


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